Protocol № 8
№ and date of the Protocol of the Board of Directors, form of the meeting |
Members of the Board of Directors who participated in the meeting |
Considered issues |
Protocol № 8 dated 20.12.2022, full-time |
Bashmakov Anatoly Afanasievich – Independent Director; Buranbayev Yerkebulan Sagatovich – Independent Director; Ergaliev Kuanysh Asylkhanovich; Zhaizhumanova Asemgul Abayeva; Smagulov Didar Nurkenovich; Shulanov Yerlan Nurlybekovich.
1. On consideration of documents of persons admitted to participate in the competition for the position of a member of the Management Board for Operations, Transformations and Infrastructure Development of NPLC "M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" 2. On the assessment of the implementation of the Development Plan of the NAO "North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev" for 2021 3. On amendments to the Development Program and Strategic Plan of the NPLC "M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" in part 2022 4. On the clarification of the Development Plan of the NPLC "M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" for 2020-2024 (in part 2022 and 2023) 5. On amendments to the Board's KPI for 2022 6. On approval of the Work Plan (schedule of meetings) Board of Directors of NPLC "M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" for 2023