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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
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03 July 2024
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26 April 2024
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Заочная школа юного журналиста

Distance learning school of a young journalist

We inform you of the new address for sending tasks:

From November 1st (if you missed this deadline, you can register at any time convenient for you – the main thing is to complete all the tasks of the academic period) announces the recruitment of students of grades 10-11 of secondary schools of the North Kazakhstan Region, as well as students of secondary specialized educational institutions who want to enroll in M. Kozybayev SKU and acquire the profession of a journalist. The school of a young journalist will help you determine your future profession. If you are ready to devote your life to journalism, then the teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the specialty journalism will open the door to the world of this difficult but fascinating profession. And if you still can't say with certainty what you will do in your life, then a year spent with us will help you understand this. You will be able to prepare for important entrance exam for the specialty journalism — the "Creative Contest", which consists of two rounds: an essay, an interview.

The training in distance learning school of a young journalist is free of charge, and enrollment is made year-round upon receipt of the application (the form is attached).

The educational process is carried out as follows: at the beginning of each month, students receive assignments (they can be found on the website), perform them and send the finished work within a month to the specified addresses: . All tasks and tests are evaluated on a five-point scale depending on their complexity and the quality of the solution. The total number of points is the rating of each listener. Students who have scored at least 50% of the rating points are issued a corresponding certificate upon graduation.

Listeners can choose one of three ways to submit tasks:

1. By mail.

The work is neatly and legibly written on A4 paper. The first page contains the student's full name, index and home address, phone number (Whatsapp), school number, class, full name of the teacher of Russian language and literature / history / Kazakh language and literature. The work is sent no later than the specified dates to the address: 150000, Petropavlovsk, M.Zhumabayev str.-114, North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev, Faculty of History, Economics and Law, Department of Journalism.

2. Personally.

Students who have the opportunity to come to North Kazakhstan University  M. Kozybayev can personally or through a proxy bring the completed work, having issued it accordingly (be sure to register in the journal), at the address:  M. Zhumabayev str. 114, NKU named after M. Kozybayev, Faculty of History, Economics and Law (Building 6), Department of  "Journalism" (offices 222, 206).


3. By email.

Assignments are made out electronically in the Microsoft Word editor in one file with the student's full name, E-mail, school number, class number, full name of the teacher of history / Kazakh language and literature/ Russian language and literature indicated on the first page. The file is sent to the following email addresses:

Phone for inquiries: 8-7152-49-40-92 (extension: 11-56)

Head of the school: Tatiana A. Morozova, Master's degree, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism ( tel: 8-777-358-31-93 )

Скачать образец заявления


Tasks of the distance learning school of a young journalist











Задание 1

Задание 2

Задание 3

Задание 4

Задание 5

Задание 6

Задание 7