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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

The best graduates of 2011

Natural-geografic faculty

Morev Aleksey Aleksandrovich (Speciality "The forestry farm business")

Institute of language and literature

Khomutovsky Andrey Yurievich (Speciality "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages")

Musical and pedagogical faculty

Akambaeva Zarina Kuantaevna (Speciality "Defectology")

Transport-building faculty

Erbatyrov Bakhtiyar Sagynganovich (Speciality "Civil engineering")

History and law faculty

Saprygina Ekaterina Viktorovna (Speciality "Basis of law and economy")

Faculty of information technologies

Iskandarova Gulistan Shahsadaevna (Speciality "Mathematics")

Faculty of power engineering and machine building

Ospanova Aizhan Mingozhanovna (Speciality "Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications")

Physical training faculty

Habaeva Nurlygul Arabovna (Speciality "Tourism")

Faculty of economics

Shankildikova Maya Kuanyshbaevna (Speciality "Finance")