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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
F: 70 слушателей поступили на факультет Foundation

14 сентября на факультете Foundation прошел вступительный экзамен среди кандидатов на курсы языковой подготовки с использованием системы прокторинга & читать далее

26 September 2024
AF: экологический молодежный марафон

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17 September 2024
NSSF: На факультете истории, экономики и права проводится разъяснительная работа по строительству АЭС в Казахстане

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13 September 2024
NSSF: На ФИЭПе прошел круглый стол, посвященный дню семьи

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11 September 2024
PF: Поздравляем первокурсников педагогического факультета!!!

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06 September 2024
ИСТФ: FICT employees were awarded PhD diplomas

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10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education S. Nurbek

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10 September 2024
ИСТФ: Students majoring in Construction received Gratitude from the city akim

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10 September 2024
NSSF: Руководство СКУ им. М.Козыбаева приняло участие в программе "Туған жерге-тағзым"

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24 August 2024
F: Выпускники Foundation

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01 August 2024
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Biography of Manash Kozybayev

Film "The historian of the Fatherland" from "Lines of Destiny", Khabar, 2006

Film from "Сөнбес сәуле", Kazakhstan telearnasy, 2011

Film for the 80th anniversary of M. Kozybayev, TV studio "Parasat", 2011

List of publications of M.Kozybaev available in fund of university research library

Манаш Козыбаев

M.K. Kozybayev was born on November 16, 1931. During the Great Patriotic War when he was a teenager, he worked in native village of collective farm "Zhana turmys" of the Mendygarinskiy area of Kostanay region. He had worked an year as a teacher at Ulgulinsky seven-year school, graduated with honors Mendygarinsky Pedagogical college named after I. Altynsarina in 1947. In young years along with parents a huge influence in formation of future scientist was rendered by his brother Orachali Abilevich Kozybayev, , who subsequently had become the known statesman, the large organizer of production, the Hero of Socialistic Work.

He conducted the scientific and pedagogical work in Kostanay pedagogical institute, having graduated with honors a faculty of history of the Kazakh state university named after S.M. Kirov in 1953. М. Козыбаев с коллегами-преподавателямиIn 1958 the talented young scientist was invited to work in Institute of Party's history at the Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakhstan where he rose through the ranks from the senior research fellow to the known scientist, the doctor in historical sciences, the professor. In 1961-1974 M.K. Kozybayev had been working as the Scientific secretary of this institute, and then the head of department of party's history construction in Kazakhstan. He had defended the doctoral dissertation in Moscow in 1969, and in 1970 the rank of the professor was appropriated to him. In 1974-1980 he had been managing the department of Almaty institute for Animal Health, but then – at Institute of professional development of social science teachers at KAZSU named after S.M. Kirov. Since 1980 M.K. Kozybayev had headed the Main edition of the Kazakh Soviet encyclopedia. During this period under his leadership was carried out the edition of the 4th volumes encyclopedia "Kazakh by the Soviet Socialist Republic" in Russian and Kazakh languages, the encyclopedia "Almaty", "The Karaganda region", the added and processed an edition of collected works of Ch.Ch. Valikhanov and other fundamental works.

Международный конгресс историковDuring this period it were highly appreciated by the republic and at all-Union level his scientific researches of Kazakhstan history and historiography and as a whole region of USSR by history of the Great Patriotic War. At present his monographs "Communist Party of Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War", "Kazakhstan – a front arsenal", "A great bravery" and other works about a contribution of Kazakhstan citizens to a great victory in the Second World War are generally acknowledged. Such cardinal aspects of military economy of the USSR as moving of productive forces of the country to east regions, including to Kazakhstan, a solution of the problem of a manpower and other mobilization measures of the Soviet state in the conditions of war, participation of the people of the USSR in Second World War battles, political and cultural life of the country in the military years which found a reflection in works of M.K.Kozybayev, differed a depth of the content and all-round positing of a problem. The references are indicated about it containing in works of the member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR of M.P. Kim, the member-correspondent of Academy of Sciences of the USSR P.A.Zhilin, Doctors in Historical sciences of A.V.Mitrofanova, G.A.Kumanev, I.I.Zakharova, A.I.Zalesskiy, V. G. Aniskova, Yu.V Arutyunyan and other known Soviet scientists.

As one of leading experts of history of the Great Patriotic War M.K.Kozybayev participated as the author in writing of fundamental works "The union indestructible", "History of working class of the USSR", "At the head of protection of the Soviet Motherland", "The Soviet rear  during the first period of the Great Patriotic War", and also a number of the books published in Moscow, Baku, Novosibirsk and other cities of the USSR.

Since March, 1986 M.K. Kozybayev had been working at Institute of history of archeology and ethnography of Ch.Ch. Valikhanova as the head of department of historiography and source study, but on June, 1988 he was unanimously elected the director of it.

Since the end of the 1980th – the beginnings of the 1990th years when a formation of the sovereign state of Kazakhstan, a growth the national consciousness of the people, a crash of the Soviet state system and communistic ideology radically changed the provision of a historical science in the society, the institute headed by academician M.K. Kozybayev, was made a huge contribution to the development of actual problems of history of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

From this time under the direction of the academician M.K. Kozybayev the main directions of Kazakhstan historical science had become a problem of methodology of historical researches and reassessment of the saved-up historical knowledge, a problem of ethnogeny and ethnic history of the Kazakh people, a problem of national statehood and the national security, actual problems of political and economic history of Kazakhstan, the problems of general history in terms of interrelationships and interrelations of Kazakhstan with Russia, China, the states of the CIS, the countries of the Far abroad etc.

The academician M.K. Kozybayev takes a part the personal participation in development of all these problems. Nowadays the circumstances of the tragedy which being comprehended  Kazakhstan in violent collectivization of farming are known all of them. In November, 1988 it was devoted the All-Union scientific conference dedicating to this problem in the Institute of history and ethnology by the initiative of M.K.Kozybayev.In 1989 as a result from M.K. Kozybayev's publications and other scientists the world learned for the first time stories about scales of the Kazakhstan tradegy from magazine pages "History problems". But in 1991-1992 under his direction had been worked the special Parlamental commission studying the circumstances of hunger of the 30th years and the mass political repressions. And now the results of this work are known. Herewith it should be noted that Kazakhstan is the unique state on the former Soviet Union where the history of soviet totalitarianism and its consequences are studied a highly in details. From the second half of the 80th years the academician Kozybayev M.K. had been taking a scale work of identification and recovery of victims of political repressions of the 30-40th years, having nation-wide value.

The end 80th - the beginning of the 90th of a national historiography was marked by deep studies of history of national-liberation movement, including under the leadership of Kenesary Kasymov, Zhankozhi Nurmukhamedov, Abdigafar Zhanbosymov, a restoration of objective truth of history of movement Alash and Alash-Orda. Huge work during this period was carried out also by history of the Kazakh khanate, an activity of Abylay, the Patriotic war of the Kazakh people against dzhungar aggression etc. A result of these really titanic efforts were M.K.Kozybayev's books "History and the present", "A truth", "Zhauda shapty that байлап". "Memory of history" in the 2 volumes. "Problems of national history: methodology, historiography and sources" in the 2 volumes, "Work for the sake of a victory" and many other researches of the scientist which had published in 1991-2001.

The saved-up material, study and definition of new conceptual approaches to research of national history and historiography was allowed the institute headed by M.K.Kozybayev, to publish the studies "History of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times to the present day" in the Kazakh and Russian languages in 1993 and 1995. It was published an academic publication "History of Kazakhstan since the most ancient times to the present day" in 5 volumes.

The concept about the development of a steppe civilization on the Eurasian space was developed by M.K. Kozybayev for the first time in a historical science. Developing traditional ties of the academic science with an education system, M.K.Kozybayev prepared textbooks and manuals of history of Kazakhstan for high schools and higher education institutions. Главный редактор КСЭ М. Козыбаев вместе а авторами энциклопедииThere were published more than 60 volumes of "The memory book" about the victims of the Great Patriotic War, 5 volumes of "The grief book" about the victims of the mass political repressions, "The illustrated history of Kazakhstan”. M.K. Kozybayev's many works were translated into languages of the people of the CIS, published in the USA, Russia, China, Bulgaria, Germany, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Japan, Iran and other countries. The institute headed by M.K.Kozybayev, were  supported the constant scientific contacts with the leading scientific centers of Russia, the USA, China, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey and other countries.                                                                        

На Великой китайской стенеThe academician M.K. Kozybayev - the participant of the International X-th Congress of historians, the XIX International congress of military historians, the International congress of cultural and scientific cooperation of the countries of Central Asia (UNESCO Tehran), the numerous international conferences which were taking place in Moscow, Leningrad. Tashkent, Samarkand, Kiev, Minsk, Beijing, Ankara, Istanbul, Paris, Tehran, Ulan Bator, Bishkek, Urumqi, Shanghai etc.

The concept a formation of historical conscience of the people of Kazakhstan was  developed under the direction of M.K. Kozybayev, accepted by National Council of state policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995.

M.K.Kozybayev is not only the outstanding scientist. He given a huge attention also to scientific and pedagogical work. There was prepared by him the whole galaxy of talented scientists, including, 86 candidates and doctors of science. In 1970-1980 M.K. Kozybayev as the professor had being held a pedagogical work in KAZGU of Al-Farabi, directed a scientific work of graduate students and doctoral candidates. It was created the research science school of the actual problems of history of sovereign Kazakhstan.
Many years the academician M.K. Kozybayev was the chairman of Dissertation Council of defence the Doctor's dissertations at History and Ethnology institute named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanova, the Chairman of problem scientific coordination Council in the field of historical sciences, the chairman of Expert council of book publishing Ministry of culture, information and social consent, the member of State onomatology commission. 

The names of many outstanding figures of history and culture of the Kazakh people are returned and crowned with immortality with direct participation and initiative of him.

Under the direction of M.K. Kozybayev, the special scientific magazine "National history" was founded in 1998 which gained a wide recognition not only in Kazakhstan, but in foreign scientific community. M.K. Kozybayev was also the associate editor and the constant author "News of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (a series of social sciences)", "Messenger of NAS RK", magazines "Kazakh history", "Truth", a founder of the newspaper "Kazakhstan - Epoch" and some other editions.

 Thus, for years of independence M.K.Kozybayev had made a huge contribution to formation of historical consciousness, a regeneration and spirituality development, a strengthening of the International consent and unity of the people of sovereign Kazakhstan. It was the beginning of new conceptual development of history of the Kazakh statehood, the history of Kazakhstan in the conditions of colonialism and the Soviet totalitarianism, a recovery of victims of mass political repressions. As the member of the State commission it was carried out a lot of work on implementation of Decrees of the President of RK "About the announcement of 1997 for Year of a public consent and memory of victims of mass political repressions", "About the announcement of 1998 for year of national unity and national history", "About the announcement of 1999 for Year of unity and continuity of generations", the resolutions of the government of RK on carrying out the 150th anniversary of Abaya, Zhambyl, Mukhtar Auezov's 100th anniversary, the 1500th anniversary of Turkestan, and also other state actions of national scale.

At the same time with scientific, scientific and organizational and pedagogical work M.K. Kozybayev is taken active part in the state and public life of the country. In 1989 he was elected the full member of NAS RK - the academician. In 1990-1993 he was the national Deputy of the Supreme Council of RK,had taken the most active part in adoption of the Constitution of the sovereign state of Kazakhstan, was the member of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.

 Since 1993 M.K.Kozybayev was the member of National Council on a state policy at the President of RK, the State Commission on Human Rights at the President of RK. In the last years of life M.K. Kozybayev was the permanent chairman of the historical and educational society "Adilet".С Президентом РК

M.K.Kozybayev is the author over 800 scientific and popular scientific works, including 30 monographs (from them 18 to co-author), over 50 collective works, the textbooks and manuals. Thus it should be noted that more than a half of the works are published by M.K. Kozybayev during independence of Kazakhstan. As the scientist-historian, the state and public figure M. Kozybayev constantly gives attention to the statement of national consciousness of the Kazakh people, a consolidation of ideology of statehood, the ethnoterritorial integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan to what his scientific research results brightly testify. It was also brightly reflected in his work as the chairman of scientific and methodical council of the Ministry of culture, information and social consensus, the member of the Monuments State commission.

The main content of works and researches of academician M.K. Kozybayev was always directed on strengthening of national consent and unity of the people of Kazakhstan, on development of spirituality and patriotism of younger generation, realization of ideas of the President of RK of N.A. Nazarbayev put in "Strategy-2030".

M.K. Kozybayev's merits in development of national historical science and its state and public work are noted by high state awards. For the monograph "Kazakhstan - a front arsenal'' he was awarded the 1970 Ch.Ch. Valikhanova prize. For a cycle of works on actual problems of history of Kazakhstan it was given the State award of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1955. For active and productive state and public work he was awarded a high laureate of the President award of the peace and spiritual consent in 1997. The honorary title "The honored worker of a science of Kazakhstan" (1986) was appropriated to him, he was awarded with Certificates of honor of the Supreme Council Kazakh SSR, medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the USSR. M.K. Kozybayev was elected the honourable professor of Semipalatinsk State university named after Shakarim Kudayberdiyev (1998), Karaganda State Medicine academy (1999), Kostanay State university named after A. Baytursynov (2001), the University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov, Kzylorda State university named after Korkyt Ata, KAZGOR Academy. He is the Honourable citizen of Kostanay, the native Mendygarinskiy area. On May 30, 2003 the name of academician Manash Kozybayev was appropriated by the government decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the North Kazakhstan State university.