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Regulations on the Youth Affairs Committee
Committee on Youth Affairs of M. Kozybayev NKU (KDM) It is a form of student self-government without the formation of a legal entity and carries out its activities in order to ensure the realization of the rights of students to participate in the management of the educational process, solving issues of the life of students, the development of their social activity, support and implementation of social initiatives.
Goals and objectives of the activities of the Youth Affairs Committee:
The purpose of the activities of the Youth Affairs Committee:
- ensuring the realization of the rights of students to participate in the management of the university, promoting the social protection of students;
Tasks of the Youth Affairs Committee:
- formation of students' self-management skills, preparing them for competent and responsible participation in the life of society;
- formation of civic culture, active citizenship of students, promotion of their social maturity, independence, ability to self-organization and self-development;
- promoting the realization of personal and professional qualities of students;
- involvement of students to participate in the development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account the scientific and professional interests of students;
- assistance to the university management bodies in the implementation of social programs for the organization of leisure and everyday life of students, in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
- protection and representation of the rights and interests of students;
- satisfaction of the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development;
- assistance to the structural units of the university in their activities within the extracurricular process;
- organization of students' free time, promotion of the versatile development of student assets;
- preparation and holding of cultural and leisure events at the university;
- preservation and enhancement of traditions of student events and competitions;
- carrying out work aimed at increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering a careful attitude to the property complex, a patriotic attitude to the spirit and traditions of the university;
- improving the level of student culture, including legal, identification and development of athletic and strong-willed qualities;
- identification of talented youth, creative potential of undergraduates and students;
- informing students about the activities of the university;
- assistance in the implementation of socially significant youth initiatives.
The general management of the work of the Youth Affairs Committee of the University is carried out by the Chairman.
Structure of the Youth Affairs Committee:
- Departments of the University's Youth Affairs Committee;
- The Youth Affairs Committee of the Institute/Faculty.
The Youth Affairs Committee of the University consists of the Chairman of the University Committee, the directors of the departments of the Committee, the chairmen of the Committees of the Institute/faculties.
The Youth Affairs Committee of the Institute/Faculty consists of the Chairman of the Institute/Faculty Committee, volunteers and activists.
Departments of the University's Youth Affairs Committee:
- The Compliance and Training Management Department studies and analyzes the educational process, organizes trainings and seminars;
- The Department of Media and Communications is engaged in informing students about various international, republican, regional and city programs and projects implemented at the university;
- The Event Management Department organizes student events held at the university, at the institute/faculties, in dormitories, is responsible for organizing sports events;
- The HR and Volunteering Department coordinates the activities of the volunteer movement, takes part in the activities of each of the areas of volunteer activity.
Student self-government aims not only to involve students in the management of the university, but also to organize life activities in it. For this purpose, meetings of the University's Youth Affairs Committee on planning and implementing events at faculties are regularly held. Round tables and meetings with activists of the Youth Affairs Committee are held.
We are located in room 310, UK No. 4
Our email address: kdmnkzu@mail.ru