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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
MF: Олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine»

С 07.02. по 14.02 на медицинском факультете была проведена олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine». Основной целью Олимпиа читать далее

14 February 2025
MF: Кураторский час ко дню благодарения

Согласно плану мероприятий ко Дню Благодарности медицинского факультета, заведующий кафедрой «Фундаментальная медицина» Берденов Д.К. и п читать далее

13 February 2025
NSSF: Работа сертификационного центра 1С продолжается

4 февраля 2025 года обучающимся выпускного курса специальностей «Учет и аудит» и «Экономика», по результатам изучения дисципли читать далее

04 February 2025
NSSF: ППС ФИЭП приняли участие в работе Зимней школы

С 13 по 25 января кафедра АНК проводит курсы повышения квалификации Зимняя школа по теме: "Формирование духовно-нравственных ценностей казахстанского читать далее

16 January 2025
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация является одной из главных составляющих обучения при получении высшего медицинского образования. С 17.12.2024 года, согласно у читать далее

24 December 2024
AF: Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық

Для студентов агротехнологического факультета прошел круглый стол под названием «Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық» (бытовое насилие).   читать далее

17 December 2024
MF: Подготовка к сессии

  10 декабря 2024 года в преддверии начала экзаменационной сессии, на Медицинском факультете состоялась встреча администрации факультета со студ читать далее

11 December 2024

Монография - особый «знак отличия» в исследовательской среде, востребованной вызовами сложного мира.​В проектной исследовательской работе читать далее

13 November 2024
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Quality assurance of education through a single information environment and innovative teaching methods (2008)

From November 10 to 15, 2008, for the second time, the university hosted a Quality Week dedicated to a unified information environment, effective communications and innovative teaching methods, within the framework of which:

  • round tables were held with the participation of teaching staff and students: at the FCF – "Innovative technologies as a means of improving the quality of educational activities", at the HLF – "Philosophical problems of innovative methods of education", at the ITF – "Specialty 050602 "Informatics" – an inside look", debates at the VF – "Quality models – evil or good" with the participation of VF students;
  • scientific and practical conferences were held with the participation of students and teaching staff: at EMF – "A unified information environment as a guarantee of quality assurance", at NGF – "The use of modern information technologies in geography lessons in secondary school", in the LLI – "The quality of students' preparation for school work", "The use of modern technologies by students in the classroom Kazakh language and literature in the period of pedagogical practice", on ITF – "Modern requirements for the training of teachers of mathematics and the use of new pedagogical technologies in mathematics lessons", "Basic requirements for the structural elements of a thesis in the specialty 050602 "Informatics"", at the EF – "Assessment of the quality of educational services" and an anniversary conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the national currency;
  • informational and scientific-methodological seminars were held: at ITF – "Modern information technologies. The quality of electronic textbooks"; at the MPF – "Problems of the organization of professional practice at the MPF" using SWOT analysis and the method of expert evaluation;
  • an expanded meeting of the VF Council was held on the topic: "The use of specialized laboratories to improve the quality of training of students in the following areas";
  • an exhibition of books and magazines dedicated to the quality of the educational process and the development of a unified information environment has been organized;
  • more than 35 open classes (lectures, practical classes) were held at the faculties and in the LLI, demonstrating the quality of teaching through a variety of innovative teaching methods and techniques;
  • within the framework of the World Quality Day, the Academic Council awarded the faculty and staff of the university for the active introduction of innovative teaching methods into the educational process, for labor achievements in the field of quality assurance of training specialists, a significant contribution to the development of the quality management system;
  • a study was conducted on evaluating the effectiveness of communications, which was attended by students of our university. The materials of this study are published in the newspaper "Parasat";
  • information about the quality measures was posted in the newspaper and the program "Parasat", in the regional newspapers.

The program of the 2008 Quality Week