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Faculty News
MF: Олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine»

С 07.02. по 14.02 на медицинском факультете была проведена олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine». Основной целью Олимпиа читать далее

14 February 2025
MF: Кураторский час ко дню благодарения

Согласно плану мероприятий ко Дню Благодарности медицинского факультета, заведующий кафедрой «Фундаментальная медицина» Берденов Д.К. и п читать далее

13 February 2025
NSSF: Работа сертификационного центра 1С продолжается

4 февраля 2025 года обучающимся выпускного курса специальностей «Учет и аудит» и «Экономика», по результатам изучения дисципли читать далее

04 February 2025
NSSF: ППС ФИЭП приняли участие в работе Зимней школы

С 13 по 25 января кафедра АНК проводит курсы повышения квалификации Зимняя школа по теме: "Формирование духовно-нравственных ценностей казахстанского читать далее

16 January 2025
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация является одной из главных составляющих обучения при получении высшего медицинского образования. С 17.12.2024 года, согласно у читать далее

24 December 2024
AF: Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық

Для студентов агротехнологического факультета прошел круглый стол под названием «Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық» (бытовое насилие).   читать далее

17 December 2024
MF: Подготовка к сессии

  10 декабря 2024 года в преддверии начала экзаменационной сессии, на Медицинском факультете состоялась встреча администрации факультета со студ читать далее

11 December 2024

Монография - особый «знак отличия» в исследовательской среде, востребованной вызовами сложного мира.​В проектной исследовательской работе читать далее

13 November 2024
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Development of credit teaching technology: modular programs, academic mobility, ECTS (2011)

In 2011, the Quality Week was held under the general theme "Development of credit technology of education: modular programs, academic mobility, ECTS" (program).

Within the framework of the Week, the faculties planned open classes, scientific and practical, scientific and methodological, methodical, training seminars, round tables, master classes, scientific and practical, practical conferences, open meetings of the SSS.

The Quality Management Center organized and conducted a seminar for auditors "Successful Auditor: questions and answers". The seminar was productive, many ideas were expressed that can help in organizing audits.

The library staff has prepared a book exhibition on the topics of quality of education and credit technology in the reading room of the second academic building.

Students and teaching staff of all faculties were given the opportunity to express their thoughts on the topic "Portrait of an ideal teacher". Some of the essays were published in the November issue of the university newspaper Parasat, and all the essays in full were posted on the MQC website.

An interesting and relevant conference for students of the Institute of Language and Literature was on the topic "Modular educational programs, transfer of ECTS credits to ensure academic mobility of students". Students were asked a lot of questions, in particular, about the transition from university to university, about the living conditions while studying at another university, about whether a student studying on a commercial basis has the opportunity to use the academic mobility program, etc.

One of the most striking events of the Faculty of Natural Geography was the round table "Science and Production: step into the future", organized by the Department of Agriculture. Scientists from NorNIIZH were invited to this event. Students were also particularly interested in participating in the round table "Academic mobility as a form of organizing the educational process using credit technology of education". It was attended by students who had practical training on the basis of the International Scientific and Production Holding "Phytochemistry".

For the Music and pedagogical faculty, the most significant event was a scientific and practical seminar on the topic "Actual problems of music and pedagogical education" with the participation of guests from Moscow and Almaty. The seminar was actively attended by students of the specialty "Music education" and teaching staff of the faculty.

All the events held at the Transport and construction faculty were of great benefit to the students participating in them. The events were aimed at developing the skills of defending one's opinion in front of an opponent, the development of oratorical abilities. The practical conference "Development of a new level of university education and science" became an occasion for students to join scientific activities.

Events at the Faculty of History and Law were held successfully. Thus, the work of the round table "Introduction of credit technology in higher education: theory and practice" revealed actual problems and possibilities of their solution. The proposals were recommended to be considered at a meeting of the department and the Faculty Council. The practical significance of the round table "Credit technologies and their role in the development of academic mobility of students and internationalization of education" was to provide students of the specialty "History" with specific information from the Center for Academic Mobility about the possibility of alternative education in other universities of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.

The most interesting events were held at the Faculty of Information Technology: a round table "Principles of modular programs development" with the participation of first-year undergraduates of the NKSU, a scientific and practical seminar "Implementation of the competence approach in vocational education", a scientific and practical seminar "Debunking myths". These events were held using the latest technologies, in a non-standard form with the participation of students, undergraduates and teachers. The open laboratory lesson "Component analysis in detecting latent patterns" aroused great interest. A master class "The use of real-virtual laboratories in teaching specialized disciplines of the department" was held at a high level for students and teachers of technical specialties of NKSU and colleges.

The Faculty of Physical Culture notes that all planned activities were carried out at the proper level, non-standard methods were used in open classes, such as heuristic conversation, discussion-research, denotation graph. An open lesson on the discipline "Gymnastics with teaching methods" was held using video for visual identification of students' mistakes.

The greatest response among the faculty and students of the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering was caused by the round table "The use of modular programs in the organization of credit technology training" and the conference "Academic mobility - problems and prospects". During the conference, two quizzes "The smartest" and "About Quality" were held to increase the interest of students. The topics of the questions corresponded to the theme of the conference and the Quality Week.

Among the events that took place at the Faculty of Economics, seminars addressed not only to students, but also to undergraduates, teachers, and heads of the Faculty's SSS. The greatest interest was aroused by the seminars "Measuring the technical and functional aspects of the quality of banking services using the SERVQUAL methodology", "From an abstract to a dissertation without plagiarism. "Secrets of success" and "Distance learning technologies: problems and solutions".