The procedure for dealing with complaints of students is being realized according to schemes:
Curators/advisers transmit students’ complaints and offers to the Head of the Department, to the Faculty Dean (to the Institute Director), to the Member of the Board for Social and Cultural Development. As a rule, complaints reported by adviser in oral or written form are resolved by the Department Head in a very short time. But if the solution of the complaint is out of the competence of the Department Head, it is also reported to the Faculty Dean in oral or written form. In most cases most conflicts are resolved by the Department Head or the Faculty Dean.
Such complaints as appeals on intermediate control and raiting control are regulated by NKU Assessment of Knowledge.
The students' complaint to the university management can be submitted through the student Government or the student Union. Student ministers are elected at each faculty. The functional responsibilities of the Student Government include representing and protecting the interests of students and undergraduates, as well as addressing the University management on behalf of students and undergraduates.