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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Strategy and accreditation division

Main goals and objectives

 The main goal of the Strategy and accreditation division is to provide organizational, methodological and informational support for strategic planning, accreditation and external quality assessment processes.

To achieve this goal, the Strategy and accreditation division needs to solve the following tasks:

  • Strategic planning of the University development in accordance with state programs and current trends in the development of education.
  • The provision of training and passing the accreditation procedures and ratings.



Shmakova Elena Valerevna


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1042




 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1042

Жазит Айдана Қобланқызы


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1014