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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Institute of retraining and advanced training

IRAT of M. Kozybayev NKU is one of the main methodological centers of education in the region, as it conducts a lot of work on advanced training and retraining of personnel taking into account the specifics of the modern stage of development of society.

Currently, the Institute of retraining and advanced training is a unique institution whose educational activities are based on the methodological and scientific potential of M. Kozybayev NKU – one of the rapidly developing universities in Kazakhstan. All structural units of the University-5 faculties and the Institute of language and literature are actively involved in the development and implementation of training programs Institute of retraining and advanced training.

Currently, the IRAT is a unique institution whose educational activities are based on the methodological and scientific potential of M. Kozybayev NKZU – one of the rapidly developing universities in Kazakhstan. All structural units of the University-5 faculties and the Institute of language and literature are actively involved in the development and implementation of training programs IRAT.

The potential of the faculty of M. Kozybayev NKU allows to train employees of higher and secondary special educational institutions, secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other categories.

Main goals and objectives

  • Creation of flexible effective system of professional development of personnel taking into account specifics of development of the territory
  • Development of educational and methodical materials for training specialists of different categories
  • Providing conditions for professional development and retraining as the main forms of additional and professional development by providing the population with ample opportunities for employment and career growth

About courses

The IRAT is constantly developing new training programs that meet the needs of potential students. The following is an overview of the organization of training at the IRAT:

  • Five-day courses (40 hours)
  • Ten-day courses (72 hours)
  • Retraining (288 hours)

Training sessions are conducted by representatives of the faculty of the M. Kozybayev NKU.

The invitation of leading scientists and experienced methodologists from educational and scientific centers of Kazakhstan and Russia is practiced.

Printing house of M. Kozybayev NKU provides the educational process with visual printed products, useful in the practical work of students. At the service of students there is a University computer network that unites all the main structural units of the University.

List of courses

Information letter for school principals

Information letter

Methods used in the courses

Registration list of participants


Dosbaeva Maral Kalkamanova

acting director

 +7 (7152) 493732
 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 2080


Shakanova Nazira Galymovna


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 2080




+7 (7152) 493233, add. 2080
