Main goals and objectives
The main goal of the OKIBP is to provide complete and efficient information support for the educational, scientific and educational processes, through the formation and use of information resources of various generations, based on the introduction of new information and telecommunication technologies.
To achieve the goal of OKIBP it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- Providing library users with access to Internet resources, an electronic catalog, and electronic university information resources in accordance with information requests.
- Prompt and complete user service with electronic documents.
- Ensuring the quality and efficiency of library services through the automation of library processes.
- Information, reference and bibliographic service for library users.
- The formation of information and bibliographic resources of various types and purposes.
- Creation of bibliographic products based on library information resources.
- Improving the information culture of library users.
- Collaboration in the creation and use of remote educational information resources.
Kazikanova Aizhan Kairzhanovna
Chief librarian
+7 (7152) 493181, add. 1297 117/6
Kosareva Natalya Evgenevna
+7 (7152) 494354, add. 1297 117/6
Baimakanova Dilyara Zhaslanovna