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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

25. Alternative Energy and transmission of electrical energy

Module Name:

Module 25: Alternative energy and transmission of electrical energy



Module Elements:

Elective Subjects

Alternativel and Renewable Power Sources
Basics of Power Saving
Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion
Transients in Electric Power Systems
Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution
High-Voltage Equipment

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

O.S. Gagolina


Alternativel and Renewable Power Sources - S.I. Latypov
Basics of Power Saving – S.I. Latypov
Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion– O.S. Gagolina
Transients in Electric Power Systems - A.A. Kashevkin
Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution – S.I. Latypov
High-Voltage Equipment – A.A. Kashevkin


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Electrical Power Engineering (Ba)

Type of teaching / number of hours per week and per semester :

6 semester: hours per week – 24 (lectures -3; workshops -2; labs-3; independent work -16);

hours per semester – 360.


Teaching Load:120 hours

Extracurricular Classes: 240 hours

Total: 360 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

Modules: Electric Power Plants and Substations, Basics of equipment operation, Electrical Engineering

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know: principles of production and use of electric power obtained by alternative methods; main characteristics of the electrical equipment used; technological process of obtaining, converting and using wind and hydraulic energy by various types of wind and hydropower plants; methods of calculation of currents in short circuits; principles of transmission systems and distribution of electric energy, simulation and accounting of electrical loads, calculation of operating parameters and power losses in open and closed electrical networks.

Be able to: select a potential power source for operation in the power system or for the needs of the end user; formulate basic technical requirements for the selection of power equipment; evaluate the wind and hydropower potential of the territories, evaluate the economic efficiency of the practical use of wind and hydropower plants of various capacities; calculate electrical loads, short-circuit currents, power loss and voltage; to apply and make a choice of electrical equipment of power plants, elements of electrical networks;.

Possess the skills to develop and calculate the equipment of power plants using alternative energy sources; main characteristics of the electrical equipment used; methods for calculating the main parameters of wind and hydropower installations; analysis of electromagnetic and electromechanical transients in electric power systems; analysis of operating modes of power plants and calculation of parameters of the equipment of the plant, analysis of modes of transmission and distribution networks.

Demonstrate the ability to: use modern tools for the development of alternative power facilities, development, implementation and commissioning of electrical power plants, electrical systems and networks; carrying out calculations and making a reasonable choice of wind and hydropower plants of various capacities; to assess the level of static and dynamic stability; development, implementation, repair and adjustment of electrical equipment of the power plant and electrical network.

Intendend use/applicability

Modules: Automation and control in the electric power industry


Alternativel and Renewable Power Sources

Solar and wind power, power of tides, geothermal power, power from earth's magnetic field, power of biomass, use of independent sources of power supply in Kazakhstan.

Basics of Power Saving

Prospects for the use of alternative and renewable power sources, methods of detecting losses in the production, transportation and consumption of power, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion

Fundamentals of the theory of wind power plants. Wind power calculation. Wind power stations (WPP). Offshore wind power. Water resources and their use. Design options for small HPPs. Hydraulic structures of small hydroelectric power stations. Types of hydraulic turbines. Tidal energy. Wave energy.

Transients in Electric Power Systems

Electromagnetic transients. Equations of electromagnetic transient of synchronous and asynchronous machines. Practical methods of calculation of short-circuit currents. Transients in violation of the symmetry of the three-phase circuit. Electromechanical transients

Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution

General properties of power networks and systems. Calculation and  analysis of steady-state regimes.  Bases of construction of schemes of systems of transmission and distribution of electric power. Selection of main design decisions.

High-Voltage Equipment

AC switches. Disconnectors. Short circuiter. Separators. Fuses. Surge arresters and surge protectors. Primary measuring transducers and their connection diagrams.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive examination including:

Alternativel and Renewable Power Sources – written control examination

Basics of Power Saving – free-form examination

Wind  and  Hydropower  Energy  Conversion-  written  control examination

Transients in Electric Power Systems - written control examination

Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution - written control examination

High-Voltage Equipment - written control examination

Module mark: written control examination Elective Subject

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Multimedia system.

Laboratories of Data Measuring Equipment and Automation, Power Safety, Electrical Power Engineering and Power Supply and Installation of Electrical Equipment

Study Materials:

1.  John.Twidell. Renewable Energy Source. M, 2000.
2. L. I. Kuperman. Secondary Energy Resources and Energy Technological Combination of Industry. Kyev, 2006.
3. V. A. Ostreykovskiy. Reliability  Theory. M.: Vysshaya shkola. 2003.
4. V. P. Shekhovtsov. Electrical and Electromechanical Equipment. - M: Forum: Infra-M, 2008.
5. N.V. Zubova, S.F. Mitrofanov. Renewable energy sources: water and wind energy. - Novosibirsk: NSTU, 2021.
6. Kuashning F. Systems of renewable energy sources. Technology - Calculations - Modeling. - Astana: Tome, 2013.
7. Germanovich V., Turilin A. Alternative energy sources. Practical designs for the use of wind, sun, water, earth, biomass energy. - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2011.
8. Y. A. Kulikov. Transients in Electrical Systems.  – Novosibirsk: NSTU, 2008.
9. I. P. Kryuchkov, V. A. Starshinov, Y. P. Gusev, M. V. Piratorov. Transients in Electric Power Systems: Textbook for universities. – M.: Publishing house of MPEI, 2008.
10. V. N. Sazhin. Power Systems and Networks, Lecture Notes, AIES, 2004, Almaty
11. K. K. Tokhtibakiyev. Power Systems and Networks. Methods of Calculation of Power Losses and Their Rationing. Textbook, Almaty, 2005.
12.A. A Gerasimenko, V. T. Fedin. Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power". Rostov-on-Don, 2006.

Date of last amendment:
