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"Manash Kozybayev
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26. Automation and control in the electric power industry

Module Name:

Module 26: Automation and control in the electric power industry



Module Elements:

Elective Subjects Industrial Safety Power Safety

Special Electrical Drive Electrical Drive Control Circuits

Electrical Drive Integrated Automation Control in Electric Power Systems Power System Automation and Control Electric Power System Automation

Technical Means of Power System Automation

Semester Number:


Person responsible for the module

N.V. Zykova


Industrial Safety – T.I. Krashevskaya

Power Safety - N.V. Zykova

Special Electrical Drive - A.A. Kashevkin

Electrical Drive Control Circuits - A.A. Kashevkin

Electrical Drive Integrated Automation - O.S. Gagolina

Control in Electric Power Systems - O.S. Gagolina

Power System Automation and Control – A.A. Kashevkin

Electric Power System Automation – Y.M. Dariy

Technical Means of Power System Automation - A.V. Demyanenko


Russian, Kazakh

Curriculum relation:

Electrical Power Engineering (Ba)

Type of teaching / number of hours per week and per semester :

7 semester: hours per week – 38 (lectures -4; workshops -2; labs-8; independent work -24);

hours per semester – 570.


Teaching Load: 210 hours

Extracurricular Classes: 360 hours

Total: 570 hours

Credit Points:


Conditions for Examinations:

For admission to the exam, the student must score at least 50 points out of 100 available for each subject of the module

Recommended Conditions:

Modules: Industrial Electronics, Electric Power Plants and Substations, Power Systems and Networks, Technical Equipment of Power Facilities, Design of Electric Systems

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Know the basic provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulations in the field of labor protection, occupational safety management system, socio-economic and environmental issues of safety and protection in emergency situations; general physical laws of the electric drive, nature of static and dynamic processes, methods of calculation and selection of elements of the electric drive; main characteristics of the operating control circuits of the automated electric drive; criteria for selecting elements of automation and relay protection of the electric drive; types and principles of work of various systems of automatic control and management in power systems; principles of automatic control of change of the hydro-and turbogenerator state, inclusion on parallel work, maintenance at the set level of indicators of electric power quality, ensuring static and dynamic stability of power systems in normal and emergency modes. 

Be able to solve specific engineering tasks for the prevention of emergencies and industrial injuries, to be able to use methods and means of protection against dangerous and harmful factors; to foresee and timely prevent possible dangers and hazards in the workplace; calculate the modes of start, stop and reverse; build static and dynamic properties of the modes of operation of the electric drive; select elements of automation and relay protection of the electric drive; justify the selection of a specific circuit solution to improve reliability and reduce the probability of false operation of the protection of the power system elements; select the elements of automation and relay protection of electrical drives; apply and produce automatic control in power systems.

Possess the skills of effective use of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection and life safety, culture of thinking and presentation of the results of professional activities; design of control schemes of the automated electric drive; calculation of necessary parameters of automated control systems in power systems; analysis of operating modes of electric power systems.

Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge on occupational safety in professional activities;  read electric drive control circuits; development, implementation and commissioning of electric drive systems, start-up control, reversal and stop of the electric drive; to develop and design automation and relay protection systems; identify possible faults and their prompt elimination, development, implementation and commissioning of automatic control systems.

Intendend use/applicability

Modules: Final Academic Assessment, Final Internship


Industrial Safety

Classification of hazardous production facilities. State of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities. Main directions of reducing accidents and injuries. Sources of mechanical, chemical and electrical injury and ways to prevent them. State management of industrial safety.

Power Safety

Danger of electric shock to humans. First aid to victims of electric current. General safety requirements for maintenance of electrical equipment. Protection measures in case of emergency condition of electrical equipment.  Power protection means.

Control in Electric Power Systems

Automatic control of changes in the state of hydro-and turbogenerators. Automatic control of synchronous generators switching on for parallel operation. Automatic speed control of hydro-and turbogenerators. Automatic power control of hydro-and turbogenerators. Automatic regulation of voltage and reactive power of synchronous generators. Automatic excitation regulators of synchronous generators. Automatic regulation of reactive power sources and transformers.

Power System Automation and Control

Automatic control of operating modes of power plants and electric power systems. Microprocessor-based automated control system for power plants. Features and tasks of emergency automatic control of electric power systems. Automatic termination of negative stability. Automatic termination of asynchronous mode. Automatic prevention of unacceptable changes of mode parameters. Microprocessor- based integrated emergency control system.

Electric Power System Automation

Automatic re-activation. Automatic reserve activation. Automatic activation of synchronous generators for parallel operation. Automatic frequency control. Automatic frequency unloading.

Technical Means of Power System Automation

Basic principles of construction of automatic control systems. Technical Means of Automation of the central part of the device information processing. Digital automatic control systems and telemechanics systems. Automated process and production control systems.

Special Electrical Drive

Open automatic control systems. Typical closed-loop control systems for electric drives. Servo drive. Program control. Design elements of the electric drive.

Electrical Drive Control Circuits

Standard junctions and circuits control of electric drives of a direct current. Typical units and control circuits of asynchronous electric drives. Typical units and control circuits of synchronous electric drives. Electric drives with asynchronous motors. Electric drives with stepper motors.

Electrical Drive Integrated Automation

General principles of regulation of electric drive. Relay- contactor control of electric drives. Logic control circuits for electric drives. Pulse-phase control systems. Systems of subordinate control of DC electric drives. Microprocessor controls of electric drives.

Examination Form, module mark:

Comprehensive examination including:

Industrial Safety– free-form examination Power Safety – free-form examination

Control in Electric Power Systems – written control examination

Power System Automation and Control – written control examination

Electric Power System Automation – computer-based testing Technical Means of Power System Automation – computer- based testing

Special Electrical Drive – free-form examination Electrical Drive Control Circuits – written control examination

Electrical Drive Integrated Automation – written control examination

Module mark: free-form examination Elective Subject

Technical/Multimedia Facilities:

Multimedia system.

Laboratories of Electrical Power Engineering and Automation and Power Safety

Study Materials:

  1. A. F. Monakhov. Protective Measures of Power Safety in Electrical Equipment. Textbook. - M.: ZAO Energoservis, 2008.
  2. R. N. Karyakin. Grounding Devices of Electrical Equipment. Reference Book. - M.: Energoservis. 2006.
  3. Y. D. Sibikin. Power Safety at Operation of Electrical Equipment of Industrial Enterprises. - M: Akademiya Publishing Center, 2008.
  4. V. D. Mankov, S. F. Zagranichniy. Types of Protection to ensure the Safety of  Electrical Equipment. - SPb.:  Electro Servis, 2008.
  5. Control and Measuring Instruments and Tools: Textbook / comp. S. A. Zaytsev. - 3rd ed., updated and revised. - M.: Akademiya, 2008.
  6. B. A. Alekseyev, Maintenance of Relay Protection and Automation of Power Plants and Electrical Networks. Part 1. Electromagnetic Relays. Ed M. Publishing House of NC ENAS, 2000
  7.  N. I. Ovcharenko. Automation of Power Systems: Textbook for universities / Ed. by A. F. Dyakov. – M.: MPEI Publishing House, 2007.
  8. V. V. Krivenkov. Emergency Automation. – M: MPEI, 2004.
  9. Electric Power System Automation: Textbook for high schools / Ed. by V. P. Moroshkin, D. Engelage. – M: Energoatomizdat, 2014.
  10. V. A. Andreyev. Relay Protection and Automation of Power Supply Systems. – Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 2006.
  11. N. F. Ilyinskiy. Basics of Electric Drives, Publishing House of MPEI,2003
  12. Under the editorship of Y.N.Petrenko. Computer-Aided Control of Electric Drives, M: ACADEMA, 2005.
  13. M. P. Belov et al. Automated Electric Drive of Typical Production Mechanisms and Technological Complexes", M.: ACADEMIA, 2005.
  14. V. M. Terekhov, O. I. Osipov. Control Systems of Electric Drives. - M: Akademiya, 2005
  15. Automated Electric Drive of Industrial Plants/ Edited by G. B. Onishchenko. --M: RASKHN, 2011
  16. V. V. Moskalenko. Automated Control Systems of Electric Drives. – M.: INFRA-M, 2007.
  17. V. I. Klyuchev. Electric Drive Theory: Textbook for universities.— M: Energoatomizdat, 2001.
Date of last amendment 26.01.2023