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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

For college graduates

College graduates can enroll in full-time and accelerated full-time education. Also, college graduates have the opportunity to enroll both for training under a state educational grant and for tuition on a paid basis.

The process of admission to full-time and accelerated full-time education under a state educational grant includes three main steps.

Step 1 

 Passing the UNT 

When choosing a full-time form of study, graduates take the UNT in five subjects: history of Kazakhstan, reading literacy (the language of instruction), mathematical literacy, two specialized subjects. Profile subjects for educational programs of M. Kozybayev NKU can be found here.

You can participate in the UNT in May-July (to participate in the competition for awarding state educational grants) and in January, March and August (for enrollment on a paid basis).

The current deadlines for accepting applications for the UNT and the dates of the UNT are posted on the website of the National Testing Center.

Reduced terms of study are possible only for related educational programs. It is possible to determine the related direction of the college specialty on the basis of the correspondence table of related groups of educational programs of higher education and specialties of technical and vocational, post-secondary education.

Persons entering related areas of training in educational programs that provide for shorter training periods pass the UNT in general professional and special disciplines, with the exception of those entering educational programs that require creative training. The list of general professional and special disciplines at the UNT for educational programs of M. Kozybaev NKU can be found here.

Persons entering related areas of training in groups of educational programs that require creative training, providing for shortened training periods, pass the UNT in a special discipline.

You can participate in the UNT in May-July (to participate in the competition for awarding state educational grants) and in January, March and August (for enrollment on a paid basis).

The current deadlines for accepting applications for the UNT and the dates of the UNT are posted on the website of the National Testing Center.

Step 2 

 Participation in the grant competition 

Learn more about applying for a grant

Step 3 


Learn more about enrollment

The admission process for training on a paid basis

Step 1. Passing the entrance exam.

For admission on a fee-based basis to related areas of training in groups of educational programs that provide for shortened terms of study, the admission committee conducts an entrance exam. You can apply for the entrance exam from July 20. The application is accompanied by a document of education, an identity card, a medical certificate in the form 075/y and 6 3x4 photos.

The program of the entrance exam can be found here.

The form of the entrance exam: oral exam.

According to the results of the admission exam, the applicant is "recommended" or "not recommended" for enrollment.

Schedule of interviews for related groups of higher education, technical and vocational specialties, post-secondary education and second higher education at their own expense 2023

The admission exam results are brought to the attention of applicants immediately after the exam or on the exam day.

An appeal application is submitted to the Chairman of the appeal commission personally by a person who has passed a special or creative exam. Applications are accepted until 13 o'clock the next day after the announcement of the special or creative exam results and are considered by the appeals commission within one day.

Step 2. Enrollment.

Learn more about enrollment