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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: Выпускники бакалавриата и магистратуры ФИЭП получили дипломы

Сегодня выпускникам 2024 года факультета истории, экономики и права были вручены дипломы об окончании университета. Торжественная церемония прошла на читать далее

03 July 2024
NSSF: Подведены итоги деятельности ФИЭП за 2023-2024 учебный год

28 июня 2024 года, на факультете истории, экономики и права было проведено итоговое в этом учебном году заседание Совета факультета. На совете были по читать далее

28 June 2024
MF: С наступающим Днем медицинских работников!

В этот день мы отмечаем важную роль и вклад всех медицинских работников в общество. Их неутомимое стремление к заботе о здоровье населения, профессион читать далее

14 June 2024
AF: Практический семинар в лесном хозяйстве Соколовское

До 2025 года в лесном фонде Казахстана должны посадить 2 млрд деревьев - такую задачу перед лесными хозяйствами поставил Глава государства Касым Жомар читать далее

13 June 2024
AF: Международная Летняя Школа – 2024

С 3 по 15 июня 2024 г преподаватели и студенты ОП 6В08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство приняли участие в работе Школы «Устойчивое управление лес читать далее

13 June 2024
PF: Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ»

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15 June 2024
ИСТФ: 1st place at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad!

On May 23-24, 2024, at the Almaty Technological University in Almaty, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was held among students of universities читать далее

06 June 2024
AF: Роль агрометеорологии в сельском хозяйстве

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» была проведена предметная олимпиада по агрометеорологии. Мероприятие прошло в рамках Дней науки. Цель читать далее

29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

Поздравляем участников Республиканской предметной олимпиады по ОП «6B08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство» и ОП «6B08201 Технология п читать далее

26 April 2024
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Alumni Association of Kozybayev University

Manash Kozybaуev North Kazakhstan University is the only oldest university in our region that has significant authority among domestic and foreign universities. It was created by outstanding personalities and famous specialists - its graduates.

Alumni Association of M. Kozybaev North Kazakhstan University is a voluntary association of graduates to carry out activities determined by the common interests of students and graduates of the university.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, the Association of graduates of M. Kozybaуev NKU resumed its work, whose mission is to rally and socially promote graduates of all generations.

Alumni of M. Kozybaуev NKU of any year of graduation, as well as university staff, can be members of the Association.

According to the Regulation on the Alumni Association of M. Kozybaуev NKU, approved by the rector of M. Kozybaуev NKU on 06.06.2017, the governing body is the Council of the Alumni Association.

The objectives of the Association are:

  • Formation of the spirit of corporate spirit, mutual assistance and cooperation.
  • Supporting and enhancing the image of a higher educational institution, enhancing its scientific and cultural traditions.
  • Preservation and development of relations of graduates with the university and among themselves.
  • Broad participation of graduates in the implementation of university development projects.
  • Organization and coordination of anniversary meetings of graduates of different years.
  • Assistance to students' professional training (round tables, conferences, internships, internships), as well as educational work with students, including assistance in the activities of interest clubs and in the development of creative teams.
  • Strengthening the spirit of intelligence, humanity, tolerance, democracy.
  • Wide dissemination of information about the university, its traditions, history and current situation.
  • Strengthening the corporate spirit among students and graduates of the university of all generations, rallying and social promotion of graduates, their self-realization.
  • Improving the effective use of the intellectual potential of university graduates and the capabilities of M. Kozybaуev NKU for the training and retraining of personnel in demand on the labor market, successful in career growth. United and successful graduates are able to contribute to the progressive development of M. Kozybaуev NKU.

To achieve these goals, the Association solves the following tasks:

  • Promoting the prestige of M. Kozybaуev NKU by organizing and developing interaction between graduates, maintaining cultural, creative and business ties with the university.
  • Participation in the career guidance of young people, assistance in organizing the recruitment, distribution and employment of graduates, ensuring the establishment of social partnerships, coordination and realization of the mutual interests of employers, state and local authorities, educational institutions, public organizations with the university.
  • Rendering assistance in employment, organization of industrial practice of graduates.
  • Contributing to the improvement and development of cultural and educational work with students.
  • Ensuring the establishment of social partnership.
  • Coordination and implementation of the mutual interests of employers, state and local authorities, educational institutions, public organizations with the university.
  • Organization of online communication, contacts with graduates.