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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"



Kozybayev University for 2024

    Corporate events  Timing
1 Consideration of documents and hearing of programs for the development of higher education institutions submitted by persons admitted to participate in the competition for the position of Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Kozybayev University February 2024 


Submission to the Shareholder of the issue of determining the audit organization performing the audit of the Kozybayev University for 2023 February 2024 
3 Report of the Chairman of the Board - Rector on the implementation of the Development Program and Strategic Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2022
April 2024
4 Preliminary approval of the annual financial statements of the Kozybayev University for 2023 and making proposals on income distribution for the past financial year May 2024
5 Approval of the semi-annual clarification of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 in part of 2024

June  2024

November 2024
6 Sending of the approved clarification of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 to a single operator within 5 working days after approval
7 Approval of the audited financial statements of the Kozybayev University for 2023

May  2024

8 Approval of the report on the implementation of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 according to the results of 2023 June 2024
9 Approval of the Annual report of the Kozybayev University for 2023 

July 2024

10 Self-assessment of the activities of the Board of Directors, evaluation of the activities of the Management Board, the Internal Audit Service and the Corporate Secretary of the Kozybayev University and its Committees based on the results of work for 2023 July 2024
11 Publication of the annual audited financial statements of the Kozybayev University on the Internet resource of the Depository of Financial Statements for 2023 no later than August 31, 2024
12 Publication on the Internet resource of the Depository of financial statements the information on the total amount of the Kozybayev University Management Board members' remuneration by the end of 2023 no later than August 31, 2024
13  Publication of the Kozybayev University's Annual Report for 2023 on the corporate website no later than August 31, 2024
14  Approval of the evaluation of the implementation of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 in part of 2023 November 2024
15 Approval of the annual clarification of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 in part of 2024 no later than December 25, 2024
16 Sending the approved annual clarification of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2020-2024 to a single operator within 5 working days after approval
17  Approval of the Annual Audit Plan of the Kozybayev University December 2024
18 Approval of the Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2024-2029 не позднее 25 декабря 2024 года
19 Sending the approved Development Plan of the Kozybayev University for 2024-2029 to a single operator within 5 working days after approval
20 Notification of changes in the structure of the Kozybayev University's Board of Directors and/or the Management Board as it arises, in accordance with the procedure and terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
21  Notification of other significant corporate events of the Kozybayev University as it arises, in accordance with the procedure and terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan