№ and date of the Protocol, form of the meeting | Members of the Committee who participated in the meeting | Considered issues |
Protocol № 5 dated 02.09.2024, full-time |
Chairman – Smagulov Didar Nurkenovich; Abitbekov Aybolat Serikzhanovich; Issakayev Yerbol Maratovich; Buranbayev Yerkebulan Sagatovich. |
1. On preliminary approval of the organizational structure and staffing of the NJSC "North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev" 2. On submitting for consideration by the Sole Shareholder the issue of amending the Charter of the NJSC "North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev" (bringing it into line with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies") |
Invited persons: Kudritskaya L.N.