The aims and tasks of the Academic Council:
a creation the necessary conditions for students and teaching staff for the purpose of the successful realization professional programs, providing financial support, strengthening a university’s material and technical basis, assistance a further development of a university.
Temirkhanova Asemgul Serikovna
Scientific Secretary
PhD, associate professor
+7 (7152) 493233, add. 1030
Nurumova Aigul Eskendirova
Technical Secretary
+7 (7152) 493233, доб. 1030
The Academic Council staff of M. Kozybayev NKU
- Issakayev Yerbol Maratovich - Chairman of the Executive Board - Rector, Candidate of Biological Sciences;
- Nurpeissova Aigul Khairtayevna - Member of the Board for academic affairs, PhD;
- Baibusinov Yerbolat Makhmetovich – Member of the Board for Infrastructure Development;
- ФИО - Member of the Board for Science and Innovation;
- ФИО - Member of the Board for Social and Cultural Development;
- Alimkhanov Mansur Sansyzbaevich - Member of the Board for Internationalization and International Programs;
- Tokshalyk Yerlan Beisenuly – advisor to the Chairman of the Board – Rector;
- Zhanisov Asset Temirkhanovich - Executive Director of the International Campus;
- Valieva Mayra Mukhametgalieva – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the academic activities department;
- Dzhemaledinova Inna Mikhailovna – Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Chief compliance officer;
- Pogrebitskaya Marina Vladimirovna – Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Department of strategy and development;
- Alyoshin Dmitry Vasilyevich – Acting Director of the Department of Science;
- Alieva Sabira Bulatbekovna – Director of the EPFD - Chief accountant;
- Morash Dmitry Alexandrovich – Director of the department of digitalization;
- Kermukanov Adil Zhenesovich - Director of the Student Relations Department;
- Mukanova Zhanna Serikbayevna - Head of Personnel management service;
- Kudritskaya Larisa Nikolaevna – Head of the Law department;
- Pashkov Sergey Vladimirovich – Candidate of geographical sciences, Dean of FMNS;
- Kartova Zaure Kenesovna – Dean of the Faculty of history, economics and law (FHEL);
- Savostina Galina Vladimirovna – PhD, docent, Acting dean of the Faculty of engineering and digital technologies;
- Sabieva Elena Viktorovna – candidate of philology, Director of ILL;
- Sarzhanova Ainagul Nikolaevna – Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the pedagogical faculty;
- Shayakhmetova Altyn Seitahmetovna – dean of the Faculty of agrotechnology, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences;
- Stogniev Ivan Mikhailovich – Director of the Faculty of medicine, master;
- Khamzina Gulbaram Sayatovna – candidate of philology, Dean of the "Foundation" faculty;
- Sarzhanov Rabirt Zhanibekovich – Head of the Military department;
- Phoot Julia Valerievna – Acting director of the institute of retraining and advanced training (IRAT);
- Ermisheva Asia Yerzhanovna - Library Director;
- Begenova Bakhyt Estekenovna – doctor of chemistry, Professor of "Chemistry and chemical technology" department;
- Tayzhanova Mukaram Murzatovna – Distinguished Professor (Associate Professor), Department of Geography and Ecology, c.g.s.;
- Pustovalova Natalia Ivanovna – candidate of pedagogics, professor of the "Special and social pedagogy" department;
- Baranova Natalia Konstantinovna - Distinguished Professor (Associate Professor) Department of History of Kazakhstan and law, с.h.s.;
- Demyanenko Alexandr Valentinovich - ассоциированный профессор (доцент) кафедры «Энергетика и радиоэлектроника», к.т.н.;
- Kakimova Mayra Erengaipovna – заведующая кафедрой «Германо-романская филология», доцент, к.ф.н.;
- Muhamedzhanova Gulmira Tastemirovna – заведующая кафедрой «Казахский язык и литература», доцент, PhD.;
- Savenkova Inna Vitalevna - доцент кафедры «Агрономия и лесоводство», к.с-х.н.;
- Baytenizov Daniyar Tyulyugunovich - доцент кафедры «Экономика, учет и финансы», PhD;
- Iklasova Kaynizhamal Esimseitovna - доцент кафедры «Информационно-коммуникационные технологии», PhD;
- Il Dmitriy Evgenievich – заведующий кафедрой «Продовольственная безопасность»;
- Turunova Damira Ermekovna - председатель профсоюза студентов СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, ИЯиЛ, гр. ИЯ-23-1;
- Berikova Leila Sabyrzhanovna - Председатель комитета по делам молодежи СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, ФМЕН, гр. Б(о)-22-к;
- Kaliasker Elaman Oralovich – ФМЕН, гр. ГИ-21.