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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

A name that has become a legend

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, President of the National Academy of Higher Education of Kazakhstan, Rector of NKSU (1997-2002)

Time is so fleeting that every time you suddenly find out that one of your friends is going to celebrate an anniversary, you involuntarily feel a sense of surprise and confusion. So it was this time, only the degree of this feeling was even stronger. In my opinion, Galym Mutanovich Mutanov remained at the age of that youthful enthusiasm when a person can do anything. He was able to graduate from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after K. in 1979. Satpayev and at the same time get the title of "Master of Sports of the USSR in Judo", it was not difficult for him to finish graduate school and defend his PhD thesis at the Moscow Mining Institute, he easily coped with the preparation of a doctoral dissertation in a year and a half. At the age of 36, he became the youngest scientist in his branch of science. In Moscow, the talented scientist was called a nugget from Kazakhstan by world-renowned academicians among themselves. In 1993, in the year of the defense of his doctoral dissertation, G.M. Mutanov was elected a corresponding member of the International Academy of Information. In subsequent years, he was elected a full member of the International Personnel Academy, the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School, the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Economic Academy of Eurasia, Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. World Academy of Art and Science.

G.M. Mutanov began his career as a teacher at the Rudnensky Industrial Institute. Where he went from teacher to professor, head of the department.

At our North Kazakhstan University, Galym Mutanovich worked in difficult years for the country and for higher education. The university was going through an era of reform, insufficient funding made it difficult to solve all problems. Many universities solved their problems by separating private structures from state universities. Our new and young rector looked to the future with optimism and thought like a real strategist. We have not lost a single faculty, not a single square meter of space. On the contrary, in those wonderful years, as we call them today, the university only grew with new buildings, which were abandoned by less successful educational structures, new student dormitories were built and rebuilt. Thanks to this solid base, laid down at the time by rector G. Mutanov, the university still has no problems with dormitories for students.

At the university, due to the "brain drain", the problem of highly qualified personnel was particularly acute, Doctor of Sciences G. Mutanov was well aware that without highly qualified specialists, the North Kazakhstan University would not be able to meet the requirements of the new time. The system of personnel training for higher educational institutions in independent Kazakhstan was just being created, there was no hope for an influx of scientists from other cities. To solve the problem, the university has developed a program for training scientific personnel in all specialties. Young teachers began to receive financial assistance for business trips, defense of dissertations. For the first time, the university opened postgraduate studies in several specialties (Russian language, chemistry), earned Scientific advice on the defense of candidate theses. Remembering the troubles associated with the opening of the Academic Council for the Defense of Dissertations in the Russian language, I understand that only thanks to the support of Galym Mutanovich, master's and postgraduate studies, the Council for the Defense of Candidate dissertations and 11 of my defended candidates of sciences happened in my life. The young rector encouraged us to do new things. Now you are well aware that he himself was fascinated by the opening prospect, and he passionately believed in the future of the university, worked fervently for it, while remaining very attentive to the people with whom he worked. Students and teachers were drawn to him. They went without an appointment, and the democratic rector received everyone: those who came with new ideas, and those who just had something sore. He found time for everyone. I also found time to come to the department and please the staff with the purchase of new equipment, be it a language lab, a computer or a tape recorder. I found time to personally congratulate each department on the New Year and at the same time, acting as a "Santa Claus", to find out the problems of the department. He did not forget these New Year's promises "from Santa Claus" and certainly tried to fulfill them. It was a time of a special atmosphere of mutual trust between the manager and the team.

15 years have passed since then, and our memory preserves the goodness and light of this extraordinary man. When we talk about Kalym Mutanovich Mutanov, the faces of my colleagues brighten. Over the years, of course, he has had many interesting and more global affairs than at our university, but for us this name has become a legend, and we hope that he also keeps a good memory of us. The light from his personality, like the light of a distant star, still illuminates our souls. This is about such people devoted to their work and vocation, wrote Mikhail Dudin:


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Tabakova Zinaida Petrovna, Professor,

 Doctor of Philology