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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Science and practice are inseparable

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent, Professor of NKSU

Tomashets Anatoly Konstantinovich was born in 1938. He began his career after graduating from high school in 1956 at the state farm "Zarechny", North Kazakhstan region, worked as a motorist, combine harvester. Then, after graduating from the Petropavlovsk College of Agricultural Mechanization in 1960, he worked as a mechanic and engineer for mechanization of labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry.

After serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army, from 1963 to 1968, he graduated with honors from the Kazakh Agricultural Institute and was recommended by the decision of the GEC to the department of "Machine Repair" of this university to continue research and teaching work. Based on the results of effective work, in 1974 he was awarded a Diploma of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR. For the achievements in the national economy in 1977, he received a diploma of the II degree of the Kazakh SSR EANE.

In 1974 he graduated from full-time postgraduate studies, but for health reasons he did not defend his thesis, and in 1980, on the recommendation of doctors, he moved to Petropavlovsk. From 1980 to 1987 he worked as a chief engineer, head of the Construction Mechanization Department of the Petropavlovskselstroy association. The department headed by him in 1985 became one of the leading in the industry, was awarded a Diploma of the first degree of the Kazakh SSR EANE, entered on the regional Board of Honor. In 1991, A.K. Tomashets was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR for the development and introduction into production of resource-soil-saving technologies for the sale and transportation of agricultural products.

In 1988, A.K. Tomashets was invited to the Department of "Automobile Transport" of the Petropavlovsk branch of the KarPTI as docent. In 1991, A.K. Tomashets was elected head of the department by competition. The department was going through a period of formation, and the head was faced with the task of solving two major problems: to provide the educational process with the teaching staff and to strengthen the material and technical base of the department. Anatoly Konstantinovich successfully coped with these and other problems. The staff of the department and the management of the university highly appreciated his organizational skills, and for 20 years A.K. Tomashets remained the permanent head of the department.

Over the years, the department has been equipped with modern equipment. To strengthen the material and technical base at the department, under the leadership of A.K. Tomashets, training courses for drivers of category "B", retraining courses for college teachers, training courses for diagnosticians for service stations were opened; Argamak service station and a paid parking lot for 100 places began to function. The personnel of the department has also changed qualitatively. The teaching staff has been replenished with practical teachers. So, production workers switched to teaching: head of the regional transport control inspectorate Shinkarev Yu.A., chief technologist of the MLD plant Solyanin V.A., head of the communications depot Popov V.V., head of the KAMAZ Center production Veselov V.V., head of the project group of the Sevgrazhdanproekt Institute Vrublevskaya N.I., chief engineer of the MLD plant Gumerov R.G. New specialties were opened: "Organization of road traffic", "Organization of transportation and management", an accelerated form of training has been introduced.

Tomashets A.K. is actively engaged in research and methodological work. In 2004, at the L. Gumilyov ENU, he successfully defended a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences on the topic: "Improving the efficiency of construction and road vehicles based on the establishment of permissible wear of engine timing mechanism parts." The scientist published 85 scientific papers, received a patent for the invention. In 2007-2010, he provided scientific guidance to the candidate of the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences Savinkin V.V., who successfully defended himself at SibSARI of the Russian Federation. Currently, Anatoly Konstantinovich is a consultant to the applicant Kolisnichenko S.N. on the topic of the dissertation: "Improving the efficiency of construction and road vehicles by technological methods."

A.K. Tomashets gives lectures at a high scientific and methodological level on the disciplines: "Special course on technical operation of cars", "Production and repair of cars", "Fundamentals of machine use in agriculture". Supervises course and diploma design. He is the head of master's theses.

For conscientious work and a great contribution to the development of engineering education in the region, he was repeatedly rewarded with diplomas and government awards. For the achievements in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan". He was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty "Transport, mining and Construction Engineering" by the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of education and science of the MES RK.

In 2008, by the decision of the Academic Council of NKSU, A.K. Tomashets was awarded the academic title of professor of NKSU. In 2008, for long-term and conscientious work, fruitful contribution to the training of qualified personnel and in connection with the 70th anniversary of his birth, the Honorary Diploma of the Akim of the North Kazakhstan Region was awarded; in 2012, he was awarded the "Big Gold Medal" in honor of the 75th anniversary of the M. Kozybayev NKSU.

Currently, A.K. Tomashets is a permanent member of the interdepartmental commission of the city Akimat for planning and opening routes for passenger transportation, is a member of the research group for the implementation of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where, as a senior researcher, he successfully solves the tasks of the study "Development and implementation of energy-efficient technology for restoring blades of complex geometry of steam and gas turbines of HPS a highly concentrated plasma energy source with an adaptive process control system."

V. Savinkin, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

A. Demyanenko, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences