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Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan (TRUNAK)


Transition to University 
Autonomy in Kazakhstan

Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan (TRUNAK)

M. Kozybayev NKSU became a participant of the Erasmus + project "TRUNAK Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan", funded by the European Commission. According to the results of the III Erasmus + "Higher Education Potential" competition, funding for more than 9 million euros was received only seven projects with the participation of Kazakhstan partners from 19 universities.

The Coordinator and grantee of the "TRUNAK Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan / TRUNAK" project is a Kazakhstan University – Karaganda State Medical University. The project is planned to be completed in 2017-2020.

The goal of this project is to create a model for the transition of Kazakhstani universities from the traditional form of management to autonomous management. The main results of the project will be the analysis of the existing autonomy of universities in Kazakhstan and the best practices of European universities, the development of a basic model of university autonomy and recommendations for the application of this model in Kazakhstan, the dissemination of experience and research results for the further development of autonomy.

Official website of the project

TRUNAK project booklet: in Kazakhin English, in Russian.

The project involved:

  1. Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  2. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  3. European Association of Universities (EUA);
  4. M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University;
  5. H. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University;
  6. Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Economic University;
  7. Karaganda State Medical University;
  8. Medical University of Astana;
  9. M. Ospanov West Kazakhstan State Medical University;
  10. University of Lund, Sweden;
  11. Ljubljana University, Slovenia;
  12. Aga Khan University-Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization, Great Britain;
  13. Technical University of Lublin, Poland;
  14. Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland;
  15. Catholic University Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Associated Partners:

  1. Kazakhstani organization of medical youth;
  2. Association Htacamp (Italy).

Working group of the M. Kozybayev NKSU

  • S.M. Omirbayev, Rector of the M. Kozybayev NKSU
  • M.V. Pogrebitskaya, Director of Strategy, quality and internationalization department, project manager
  • T.K. Sagitdinova, Senior lecturer of "Germanic-Romance Philology" department, project coordinator
  • R.K. Shotkin, Head of International cooperation and internationalization division
  • N.Y. Pobezhuk, Deputy Director of Department for academic activities
  • D.T. Yessembekova, Head of Strategy and accreditation division


November 13-17, 2017. The kick-off meeting in Karaganda

January 31, 2018 Bilateral meeting with representatives of the European University Association (EUA)

March 5, 2018. Monitoring of the project "Transition to University Autonomy in Kazakhstan" (TRUNAK) in Karaganda

March 19-20, 2018. A training seminar on the basis of the European University Association (EUA)

February 4-8, 2019. Seminar at Lund University

February 18, 2019. Discussion platform in the M. Kozybayev NKSU

March 1 - February 25, 2019. Workshop at the University of Ljubljana

March 3-8, 2019. Workshop at Lublin University of Technology

March 28, 2019. Report to the Scientific Council

April 5-6, 2019. Framework on the basis of the NPJSC “Karaganda Medical University” 

May 15-16, 2019. Seminar at Atyrau State University

October 30, 2020. Exhibition of posters

February 18-19, 2020.  Working meeting to discuss the autonomy model

June 17, 2020. Project extension

September 2020. Trunak commercial

October 8, 2020. Presentation of the project results to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

October 17, 2020. Online conference Trunak Window

March 25, 2021. Report to the Scientific Council

September 2021. Consulting group established

The publication has been developed within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ programme and reflects the views of the authors. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European  Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which be made of the information contained therein.

March 25, 2021. Report to the Scientific Council