Ibraeva Akmaral Gosmanovna
doctor of historical sciences, associate professor, academician of the kazakhstan national academy of natural sciences
Scientometric identifiers: Language proficiency:
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EducationCourses and certificatesStart date | End date | Academic hours | Venue | Course name | Сертификат |
Awards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)Scientific publications (last 3 years)- Плешаков А. А., Абуов Н. А., Картова З. К., Ибраева А. Г., Ibrayeva A., Temirkhanova A., Kartova Z., Sadykov T., Abuov N., Pleshakov A. «Interdisciplinary approach to studying written nomadic sources in the context of modern historiology», Heritage Science, Открытый доступ, Том 9, Выпуск 1, December 2021 Номер статьи 90, ISSN 2050-7445,DOI 10.1186/s40494-021-00564-7, https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85111285464&origin=AuthorNamesList&txGid=93d5416905f518442228345b900fb645, Scopus, CiteScore 3.1, Процентиль - 94, Q1 открыть