Scientometric identifiers: Language proficiency: Kazakh | C2 |
Russian | B2 |
English | B2 |
Chinese | B2 |
The Hirsch Index: 3
Education2009 | KazNAU | Agronomy, bachelor course |
2013 | KazNAU | Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Master's |
2016 | KazNAU | Agronomy, PhD studies |
Courses and certificatesStart date | End date | Academic hours | Venue | Course name | Сертификат |
26.10.2022 | 15.11.2022 | 72 | China, Ministry of Commerce | animal feed, meat productivity of beef cows | Открыть
15.10.2021 | 26.10.2021 | 64 | Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of geography and ecology, Shinjiang | Central and West Asia environmental monitoring and scientific practical treing course | Открыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchSoil science, agrochemistry
Awards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)2020 | The best teacher of the university |
Grants2021 | the influence of biochar fertility in leached chernozem soils and the formation of wheat yield |
Scientific publications (last 3 years)- Байсеит Г. А., Муканова Ф. К., Тоқтар М., Ахметов М. Б., СІЛТІСІЗДЕНГЕН ҚАРА ТОПЫРАҚТЫҢ ЫЛҒАЛ ҰСТАУ ҚАСИЕТТЕРІНЕ БИОКӨМІРДІҢ ӘСЕРІ, «Козыбаевские чтения - 2021: Новые подходы и современные взгляды наразвитие образования и науки»: материалы международной научно-практическойконференции: в 9-и томах. Т. 2. - Петропавловск: СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2021. - 137-139 с. открыть