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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Bekmurzina Asel Nurlanovna

Bekmurzina Asel Nurlanovna

Senior lecturer, "History of Kazakhstan and social-human disciplines" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
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2005North Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybayev.030540 - History, fundamentals of law and economics
2019North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev.6M020300 - History
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
05.12.202220.12.202272North Kazakhstan University named after M. KozybayevFundamentals of theory and practice of pedagogical activity.
09.03.202125.03.202172Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute of Advanced Training and Additional Education.Updated content of education: psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the pedagogical process.
09.03.202020.03.202080Branch of the center of pedagogical excellence in Petropavlovsk "Nazarbayev intellectual schools".Professional development of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions engaged in the training of teaching staff within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhst
15.06.202030.06.202084North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev.Actual problems of historiography and source studies of the history of Kazakhstan.
15.06.202030.06.202072North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev.Distance learning system in the conditions of informatization and digitalization, using the example of MOODLE.
06.07.202017.07.202080The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken.Development of professional competencies of the teacher of the course "Fundamentals of entrepreneurship".
16.10.201912.11.201972North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev.Media and information literacy of the teacher.
30.01.202310.02.202380Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.History of Kazakhstan. Philosophy. Political science.
20.02.202303.03.202390South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov.History. Interaction of libraries and archives in the preservation of historical memory.
15.02.202426.02.202472Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company "SKU named after Manash Kozybayev".Methodology of inclusive education.
19.02.202402.03.202490Non - profit Joint Stock Company "South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auezov".Traditions and customs of the Turkic peoples: modern transformations and peculiarities.
Scientific interests / Fields of researchHistory of Kazakhstan, Local history, museology, methods of teaching history, political science, sociology.Scientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Бимаканова З. Ш., Бекмурзина А. Н., From the History of Social Transformation among Muslims of Northern Kazakhstan. Turn of the XIX–XX centuries., SCOPUS-1. Bylye Gody. 2023. 18(2): P. 882-892. Спецномере, высокорейтинговом зарубежном журнале базы Scopus открыть
  • Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р., Жәкежан С. А., Қызылжар өлке тарихының тағылымдары, Вестник СКУ имени М. Козыбаева, No 4 (56) қазан-қараша-желтоқсан. Петропавл 2022. с.68-75 открыть
  • Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р., Жәкежан С. А., Солтүстік Қазақстандағы мұражай туризмі: мәселелері мен даму перспективалары, Вестник СКУ имени М. Козыбаева, No 4 (56) қазан-қараша-желтоқсан. Петропавл 2022. с.62-68 открыть
  • Бимаканова З. Ш., Бекмурзина А. Н., Қазақстанның жаңа және қазіргі заман тарихы, оқу құралы, Петропавл: М.Қозыбаев атындағы СҚУ, 2022. - 137 б. открыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)
  • Ильясова Г. С., Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р., Әлеуметтік-саяси білімдер модулі: Әлеуметтану открыть
  • Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р., Темирханова А. С., Манаш тағылымы открыть
  • Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р., Әлеуметтік-саяси білімдер модулі. Бөлім 3. Мәдениеттану. открыть
  • Бимаканова З. Ш., Бекмурзина А. Н., Қазақстанның жаңа және қазіргі заман тарихы открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Тургунова А. К., Бекмурзина А. Н., Могунова М. В., Орта ғасырлар тарихы открыть
  • Бекмурзина А. Н., Аубакирова Г. Р.,  "Әлеуметтік-саяси білімдер модулі. Бөлім 2. Әлеуметтану". открыть