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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Kantarbaeva Elmira Erbolovna

Kantarbaeva Elmira Erbolovna

Senior lecturer, "Agronomy and forestry" chair , ph.d.
Scientometric identifiers:
Language proficiency:
The Hirsch Index: 2
2006Kazakh State Agrotechnical University named after S.SeifullinBreeding and biotechnology in crop production
2013Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. StolypinAgrochemistry and agro-soil science
2018Kazakh National Agrarian UniversityDoctor of Philosophy PhD in specialty 6D080100 "Agronomy"
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
25.10.202105.11.202172Ust-Kamenogorsk, NAO "S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan UniversityConducting advanced training courses for specialists of educational institutions and scientific organizations.Открыть
22.09.202130.11.2021128Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development. As part of the Kemel Bolashak project, he confirms his participation in training webinars among teachers of higher educational institutions to improve educational work based on the principles of" Ruhani zhangyruОткрыть
24.11.202124.12.202164Petropavlovsk, FE M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, Certificate No.3217Using climate change to estimate soil organic carbonОткрыть
23.11.202030.11.202036EF M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan UniversityOn issues of labor legislation, external regulatory framework in the field of education, internal regulatory documentsОткрыть
12.10.202006.11.202072EF M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan UniversityMethods of distance learning and effective organization of the educational processОткрыть
31.03.202110.04.202120EF M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan UniversityThe author's publication activity and modern information technologiesОткрыть
14.12.202220.12.202220 EF M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan Universitypossibilities of using modern geoinformation systems for agroecological monitoring of agricultural landsОткрыть
19.01.202320.01.2023M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University,room 421/2Rational selection and application of mineral fertilizersОткрыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchbiotechnology (cell engineering)Awards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)
2013Awarded a diploma for an excellent open lesson in "Beekeeping" in the Republican contest "Teacher of the 21st century"
2019Republican competition of Research and Development: Shaimerden A.(A-16kaz) Diploma of the III degree
2020Gratitude for the preparation of the team for participation in the competition of professional skills with international participation "The best soil scientist-2020"
2020Certificate of Honor of the rector of the NCSU named after Kozybayeva for the day of March 8
2020Algys Khat for preparing students for the XII Republican Student Subject Olympiad
2020Republican competition of Research and Development: Yersayyn E. (A-17kaz) Diploma of the III degree
2021Diploma of the II degree in the nomination "Research works of university teachers"
2021Medal. The best teacher of the CIS -2021
2022letter from party" AMANAT " for your active participation in the national referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2022Certificate of honor of the rector of the SKU. Kozybayeva on the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan|
2022Patent for utility model "Method of sterilization of nutrient medium for potato cultivation"
2022 Letter of thanks for the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science"
2023Republican competition of Research and Development: Kaparov Sh., Nagazhbay Zh. (A-19kaz)Diplomas of the III degree
Scientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Кантарбаева Э. Е., Малицкая Н. В., Аширбеков М. Ж., Развитие естественного травостоя на краевых полосах возделываемых полей в Северо - Казахстанской области, Вестник Кызылординского университета имени Коркыт Ата, № 1 (68),2024, С.48-58 открыть
  • Шаканова Ш. Ш., Кантарбаева Э. Е., Байсеит Г. А., THE INFLUENCE OF EXTRUDED FEED ON COW PRODUCTIVITY IN NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN, Ғылым және білім. № 2-2 (67) 2022. -С. 44-52 открыть
  • Кантарбаева Э. Е., МАУСЫМДЫҚ ЖАЙЫЛЫМ АЙНАЛЫМЫНЫҢ ҚАЗАҚТЫҢ БИЯЗЫ ЖҮНДІ ҚОЙ ТҰҚЫМЫНЫҢ ӨНІМДІЛІГІНЕ ӘСЕРІ, Вестник науки. КазАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина, №1 (108), 2021 открыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)
  • Пучкова С. Ю., Кантарбаева Э. Е., Малицкая Н. В., Технология хранения и переработки зерновой и плодоовощной продукции открыть
  • Кантарбаева Э. Е., Малицкая Н. В., Общая энтомология открыть
  • Шаканова Ш. Ш., Кантарбаева Э. Е., Муканова Ф. К., Жалпы энтомология открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Кантарбаева Э. Е., Жумабаева Б. К., Курс лекций по дисциплине "Биотехнология в растениеводстве" открыть