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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
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Speech at the International scientific and practical conference: "KOZYBAYEV READINGS-2013: "Kazakhstan in the world cultural and civilizational processes"

Dear participants, guests and colleagues of the conference!

Welcome to the international scientific and practical conference "Kozybayev readings – 2013: Kazakhstan in world cultural and civilizational processes"!

The annual conference has become a traditional event of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev. The scientific and pedagogical staff of our university actively works to promote and continue the scientific heritage of our brother Manash.

Dear participants and guests of the conference!

North Kazakhstan state University honourably bears the name of scientist, researcher, patriot and teacher Manash Kabashevich Kozybayev and pays Tribute to the outstanding historian who earned the right to enter the history of independent Kazakhstan throughout his life.

The versatility of scientific interests allowed Manash Kabashevich to create his own historical school and prepare a new galaxy of talented scientists: about a hundred doctors and candidates of science. Today they are leading Kazakhstani scientists, state and public figures. Among his students are prominent scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, University leaders, and University professors.

It has become a tradition to hold a scientific and practical conference "Kozybayev readings" every year at our University. This year, the theme of the conference is updated by the priorities set for national science By the leader of the nation N. A. Nazarbayev in the strategic development plan of the country "Kazakhstan-2050": A NEW POLITICAL COURSE OF THE ESTABLISHED STATE" and the state program "People in the flow of history".

We welcome scientists from the Russian Federation who have come to take an active part in our international conference and Express our confidence that cooperation in the field of science will make a significant contribution to the scientific potential of the two neighboring countries.

More than 300 scientific articles from 53 higher educational institutions and scientific organizations of Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany and Kyrgyzstan were published in the conference materials.

Leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan take part: Al-Farabi Kazakh national University, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University, Abay Kazakh national pedagogical University, Almaty University of energy and communications, E. A. Buketov Karaganda state University, R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental studies of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakh humanitarian and law University (Astana).

Every year the Circle of scientists from far and near abroad cooperating with the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan state University is expanding. The international conference "Kozybaev readings-2013" is attended by researchers from universities of the Russian Federation: F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, South Ural state University (Chelyabinsk), Omsk state pedagogical University, Omsk state University of railway transport, N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University. And published reports of scientists from the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn (Bishkek) and the Union of writers of Germany.

Scientific reports of the conference participants are presented on a wide range of topics on the scientific heritage of M. Kozybayev, topical issues of the humanities, technical, physical and mathematical, economic, humanitarian, natural and agricultural sciences.

I wish all participants of the conference creative success, further fruitful cooperation and new research!


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