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Faculty News
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03 July 2024
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Rector's speech at the official line-up on September 1, 2015

Dear guests, faculty, students!

On August 30, Constitution Day was celebrated, which is the golden foundation of a sovereign state. The Constitution of our country has absorbed the common values ​​of mankind, which have developed over many centuries. So today I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

Today, on the first school day, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

Participants of today's solemn meeting: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mukhamedzhanova Ainagul Tastemirovna, Vice-Rector for Research and External Relations Kairzhanova Laura Sovetovna, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Taizhanova Mukaram Murzatovna, Director of the Institute of Language and Literature, deans of faculties, teachers.

Participants of today's solemn meeting: Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mukhamedzhanova Ainagul Tastemirovna, Vice-Rector for Research and External Relations Kairzhanova Laura Sovetovna, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Taizhanova Mukaram Murzatovna, Director of the Institute of Language and Literature, deans of faculties, teachers.                                                 

The first day of a new school year is always a social event. On the basis of the Constitution, our country is building a strong state in which more than 130 nationalities and over 40 confessions peacefully coexist. Thanks to the balanced, constructive policy of the President of the country, who is the guarantor of the Constitution, civil peace and interfaith harmony have been consolidated in society.

It is the young generation who will have to raise the bar of national competitiveness. Only patriotic, educated, professional, healthy physically and morally, socially and civically responsible youth can do such a mission.

This year is marked by important anniversaries: the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

Preparations are underway at a high level for the upcoming international exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana, which will provide a unique opportunity to get acquainted with world achievements in the field of economics, technology, science. In 2017, the city of Almaty will host the World Student Winter Games. The National Plan “100 Concrete Steps” has been adopted and is being implemented. The ongoing large-scale processes of social and economic modernization, innovative breakthrough and economic integration instill optimism and confidence in all Kazakhstanis in the future of our state as a strong, dynamically developing, competitive and internationally credible one.

We welcome a new replenishment - 1st year students who have successfully passed all competitive tests and will study at our university - a major scientific, educational and cultural center in the country and the region.

The results of national and international rankings indicate a fairly high level of quality in the training of professional personnel at the university.

In 2015, according to the results of the rating of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR), the specialties of the university took the following places: 1st place - "Power Engineering", 2nd place - "Instrument Engineering" (Master's degree), 3rd place - "Power Engineering", "Forest Resources and Forestry" (bachelor's degree), "Geography" (master's degree).
The university has passed the international accreditation of five specialties in the German agency ASIIN: "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" (bachelor's and master's degrees), "Information systems" (bachelor's and master's degrees), "Informatics" (bachelor's degree).

The university has received institutional accreditation and accreditation of 53 specialties in the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating.


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