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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: Подведены итоги деятельности ФИЭП за 2023-2024 учебный год

28 июня 2024 года, на факультете истории, экономики и права было проведено итоговое в этом учебном году заседание Совета факультета. На совете были по читать далее

28 June 2024
MF: С наступающим Днем медицинских работников!

В этот день мы отмечаем важную роль и вклад всех медицинских работников в общество. Их неутомимое стремление к заботе о здоровье населения, профессион читать далее

14 June 2024
AF: Практический семинар в лесном хозяйстве Соколовское

До 2025 года в лесном фонде Казахстана должны посадить 2 млрд деревьев - такую задачу перед лесными хозяйствами поставил Глава государства Касым Жомар читать далее

13 June 2024
AF: Международная Летняя Школа – 2024

С 3 по 15 июня 2024 г преподаватели и студенты ОП 6В08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство приняли участие в работе Школы «Устойчивое управление лес читать далее

13 June 2024
PF: Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ»

12 июня проведено мероприятие для учеников школ города Педагогическая лаборатория «ПУТЕВОДИТЕЛЬ В МИР ПЕДАГОГИКИ», состоящее из двух читать далее

15 June 2024
ИСТФ: 1st place at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad!

On May 23-24, 2024, at the Almaty Technological University in Almaty, the Republican Student Subject Olympiad was held among students of universities читать далее

06 June 2024
AF: Роль агрометеорологии в сельском хозяйстве

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» была проведена предметная олимпиада по агрометеорологии. Мероприятие прошло в рамках Дней науки. Цель читать далее

29 April 2024
AF: поздравляем!

Поздравляем участников Республиканской предметной олимпиады по ОП «6B08301 Лесные ресурсы и лесоводство» и ОП «6B08201 Технология п читать далее

26 April 2024
AF: Дебаты «Сравнительный анализ эффективности применения различных способов обработки почвы в системе ресурсосберегающих технологий земледелия»

На кафедре «Агрономия и лесоводство» были проведены дебаты на тему «Сравнительный анализ эффективности применения различных способов читать далее

26 April 2024
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Blog of the psychological service of the university

The main purposes of the Psychological counseling office: to help person (student, teacher, employee of the HEI), who asks for the psychological help, in his problem solving, awareness and change of an ineffective behavior pattern to make the main decisions, to solve problems, to reach the purposes, to live in harmony with himself and surrounding world.

Psychological counseling office is located in 103 auditorium of the dormitory No. 1.

Labor hours: from 08:30 till 17:30, lunch break 13:00 - 14:00




Structure of psychological service

Moiseev Pavel Yuryevich


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
102/hostel № 1


Zhamukanova Kamila Serikovna


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
103/hostel № 1


Turysova Daniya Beibutovna


 +7 (7152) 493035
 +7 (7152) 493233, int. 1155
103/hostel № 1


Dear friends!

If you need a help or support, a friendly understanding or professional advice 

please write your questions in the blog, we will answer them. 

The principle of confidentiality: psychologist's answers will be sent to your email. Your questions will not be visible to all users. Publication of questions and answers will be conducted only with the consent of the client.



Campaign for World Mental Health Day Mental Health in Every Home! In honor of World Mental Health Day, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in cooperation with the Republican Mental Health Center is organizing an online marathon of free psychological help. On October 10, from 11:00 to 16:00 on the Facebook pages @rspckz and @UNICEFKazakhstan will be a live broadcast with doctors of the highest qualification in the specialties: psychiatry and psychology. Practicing psychologists, psychiatrists, nar... Read on...
08 October 2020 Comments...
We invite you to the seminar! Dear students! Dear colleagues!          The Psychological Service of NAO SKU named after M. Kozybaev invites students of all courses and specialties, curators of groups, other interested persons, to an online seminar on the problems of safe behavior of a person in the Internet space with the participation of specialists of the "Center of Mental Health of the Department of Health SKU Akimat".The conference will be held on Wednesday, 30.09.2020 ... Read on...
28 September 2020 Comments...
On-line seminar On Thursday, September 17, 2020, the Psychological Service of the University together with the Department of "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" and the Pedagogical Faculty of NAO SKU named after M. Kozybayev held an online seminar for 3-4 year students of "Pedagogy and Psychology" and "Social Pedagogy" on "Traditional and Modern Family. Problems and perspectives", dedicated to the Day of Family in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Leading employees and professors of the Uni... Read on...
18 September 2020 Comments...
Psychological assistance and support online Dear faculty and staff, dear students, colleagues! The staff of the Psychological Service of NAO SCU warmly congratulates you with the beginning of the new academic year! We wish you to keep your optimism, good spirits and body, good physical and mental health in these difficult times!!! We hope that in the new school year we will have new meetings, new successes and achievements.In connection with the fact that the beginning of the school year in educational instituti... Read on...
25 August 2020 Comments...
How to prepare yourself to come out of self-isolation mode. The global coronavirus pandemic is rapidly changing economies and behavioral and social practices. Even before it ends, we feel the impact the coronavirus has had on the world. This impact will continue after the danger of infection has receded and will continue to change our lives. How can we prepare ourselves for this new social and psychological reality in the least painful way possible?The current situation in Kazakhstan, and in the world, with the pandemic, the coro... Read on...
17 May 2020 Comments...
Psychological help and support online In today's difficult situation each of us needs additional care and support. If for some reason you can not apply for consultation to the specialists of the Psychological Service of the University, you can get on-line consultation from the staff of the Republican Center of Mental Health (Almaty). The Site for rendering psychological help and support to the population continues to work.With the support of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), a new page was ad... Read on...
05 May 2020 Comments...
Psychological help and support online Уважаемые студенты, сотрудники и преподаватели Северо-Казахстанского государственного университета. Если у Вас возникла насущная необходимость в психологической помощи или поддержке, Вы можете обратиться за БЕСПЛАТНОЙ он-лайн консультацией в Психологическую службу Университета через блог ПС на этом сайте, на нашей странице в социальной сети ВКонтакте, а так же помощь независимых специалистов по нижеуказанной ссылке. Берегите себя! Оставайт... Read on...
06 April 2020 Comments...
Psychological guidance and support for students in temporary self-isolation. April 2-3, 2020. Psychological service of the university, together with the professors of the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Psychology of SKSU, conducted a psychodiagnostic study of the features of emotional-volitional sphere and the needs of students who are in conditions of temporary self-isolation in dormitories №3 and №10 of the campus. The total sample of the research was 229 people. The results will be used by the university staff in the work on preservat... Read on...
06 April 2020 Comments...
Visiting international students in distance learning and forced self-isolation As part of the work on preserving and maintaining the mental and physical health of students who are on temporary self-isolation, a working group consisting of acting Rector of SKSU E. M. Isakaev, head of the psychological service of the university P. Moiseev, employees of DVR, checked dormitories of foreign students transferred to the distance learning form . With all students will be conducted psychological questionnaires, consultations and conversations. In the dormit... Read on...
29 March 2020 Comments...
How to behave during a period of forced self-isolation. Advice from a psychologist. A lot of diverse and useful information on preserving and maintaining psychological health, self-development and self-improvement on the page of the Psychological Service of the University in the social network VKontakte Read on...
25 March 2020 Comments...
Trying to calm down Trying to calm down25.03.2020Psychologist explains the coronavirus shoppingThe desire to calm down, take control of the situation and take care of themselves and their loved ones is driving many people today who are shopping for groceries, canned food and toilet paper, experts say. The COVID-19 coronavirus is causing some people to fear the unknown.Panic buying of long-life foods, toilet paper, paper towels and antiseptics has been observed in supermarkets around the wor... Read on...
24 March 2020 Comments...
Rules for maintaining psychosocial health in quarantine One of the problems of involuntary quarantine is a person's psychosocial state. In the case of COVID-19, it is important not only to observe personal hygiene, but also to make sure not to snap emotionally and, if possible, to help those people who need it.Pavel Moiseev, head of the psychological service at SCSU, has prepared recommendations on how to behave during quarantine (and including during the transition to distance learning).COVID-19 can affect people from many c... Read on...
24 March 2020 Comments...
Memo on Maintaining Emotional State in Emergency Situations for Employees and Faculty of the University Stressful and other difficult situations provoke a protective reaction in many people, manifesting itself in an uncontrollable sense of fear, which can provoke panic.But how not to panic in such cases, and can you always remain calm?A sense of fear - a normal reaction of the human body, which is a profound manifestation of our instinct of self-preservation. Only fools are not afraid of absolutely anything.But panic occurs only when a person ceases to control his own emot... Read on...
18 March 2020 Comments...
The problem of employment of university graduates The problem of employment of university graduates remains acute       Entering the market era has made such a concept as unemployment familiar to us. And, according to professional economists, this situation is quite logical. At the same time, in Kazakhstan, unemployment has a specific aspect, related to the employment of young people with higher education diplomas.       In Soviet times, this problem was solved with the help of the so... Read on...
03 February 2020 Comments...
Psychological content and factors of the crisis of professional development in university students Modern psychological science considers the entire process of formation and development of a person's personality through the prism of crises and stable periods in his life. The same periods are observed in the life of each student of a higher educational institution. One of the crisis periods in the learning process is called "median crisis" or crisis of professional development and is typical for students in 2-3 years of study. The present article is devoted to the cons... Read on...
06 December 2019 Comments...
Psychologist's recommendations on the adaptation of first-year students to study at the university And now the carefree school life is over, it's time to think about the future and successful training at a higher education institution. Without this there is no way, because graduates today are especially in demand in all areas of employment, receive decent salaries and can afford a comfortable existence. So what is not a stimulus, which is certainly worth striving for?The task is not easy, and, as practice shows, not all students can endure this distance of 5 years. Th... Read on...
23 October 2019 Comments...