Faculty | Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technology (FEDT) |
Department | Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) |
Education area code and classification | 7M06 Information and communication technologies |
Code and classification of areas of training | 7M061 Information-communicationtechnologies |
Group of educational programs | М094 Information technologies |
Educational program name | 7M06102 Information system |
Accreditation | Сертификат |
Types of educational programs | Main |
Graduate model according to the educational program | Graduate of NKU named after M. Kozybayev :
− Has deep and fundamental knowledge in the field of information systems, complemented by in-depth analysis and research, is capable of continuous self-study throughout his professional career. − Has the ability to research, showing interest and ability to conduct scientific research in the field of information systems, data analysis and the development of innovative approaches to solving urgent problems. − Ready for constructive interaction, informed decision-making and leadership in difficult situations to achieve strategic goals. − Demonstrates a high level of digital competence by analyzing and implementing modern technologies to solve complex problems of information systems. − Shows creativity, an innovative approach and the ability to find non-standard solutions in the field of information systems development and management. − Has intercultural communication competence and expresses respect for the diversity of cultures and languages. − Participates in creating conditions for the self-realization of each member of society, contributing to the development of the potential of the country''''s citizens. − It is focused on the rational use of natural resources and the development of sustainable development strategies, contributing to the preservation of the environment and ensuring future generations. |
Purpose of the educational program | The formation of a highly qualified scientific and pedagogical worker capable of performing professional activities efficiently and effectively, solving standard and non-standard professional and pedagogical tasks, freely navigating the social and professional space in the field of engineering and computer science. |
Level of education | Master (Scientific and pedagogical) |
Degree awarded | master of technical Sciences |
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) | - |
List of professions | - |
Types of professional activity | - |
Objects of professional activity | Educational organizations of higher education; enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership that develop, implement and operate information systems in various fields of human activity |
Program features | - |
Form of training | - |
Period of training | The duration of the master's degree is determined by the amount of academic credits mastered, the main criterion for the completion of studies in the programs of scientific and pedagogical master's degree and MBA is the development of at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the undergraduate. |
Language of instruction | - |
Amount of credits/hours (at least) | 120/3600 |
Previous level of education | - |
Program manager | Курмашев Ильдар Гусманович |
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks | - |
Possibility to get second diploma |
Additional material |
Benefits of ASIIN accreditation | |
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