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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Comeback to his home university after 6 years

Kozybayev University was visited by Undasyn Ashimov, a famous Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was the head of our alma mater from 2002 to 2017. First, together with the delegation of the university, the guest laid flowers at the monument of prominent statesman Baiken Ashimov.

Warm smiles, heartfelt hugs and pleasant memories embodied the meeting of Undasyn Baykenovich with the staff of the university.

Chairman of the Board - Rector Yerlan Shulanov noted the merits of his predecessor, "We see the great projects that you have implemented. This is an observatory and a swimming pool, which still have no analogues among other universities in Kazakhstan. Much work has been done to ensure that students have access to decent health care. A health center was built where students and faculty members can still receive quality medical services. Signing the Great Charter of Universities and joining the Bologna Process were important milestones in the development of the university.

On that day, Undasyn Ashimov was awarded the title of Honorary Professor at Kozybayev University. "Of all the awards I have, this title will be the most important and dear to me," he shared, "We worked at a rather difficult time. This is the beginning of the 2000s, when the system of higher education in the country has undergone radical changes and moved to the European system of education: bachelor, master, PhD. The university staff worked day and night to improve educational programs. I am very grateful to you for your selfless work for the sake of our students.

The professor could not ignore the new infrastructure of the university. He got acquainted with the construction of dormitories and ELC.

"A wonderful new laboratory building, the equipment is state-of-the-art. And, of course, training in conjunction with the University of Arizona. There are a lot of positive things in this process. First of all, the students will receive an international level of education and it will be easier for them to navigate in today's world. They'll be able to find employment after they graduate. Get two diplomas at once," said the guest.

The words of gratitude didn't end. All teachers and staff felt as if they plunged into the years when they worked together with Undasyn Baykenovich. It is a long history together, 15 years long.
