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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Visit of ex-Rector Serik Omirbayev

Today, the doors of the university opened for the rector of Astana IT University, academician of the International Academy of Informatization and the Academy of Economic Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economics, ex-rector of Kozybayev University Serik Omirbayev.

"In 2001, I became a student of the Law Faculty of the ENU named after L. Gumilyov, and Serik Maulenovich at that time was the dean of this faculty, and was also the vice-rector of the university. Therefore, we had a certain historical connection and it was very important for me when I came here and actually became his successor," said Chairman of the Board – Rector Yerlan Shulanov.

He did not ignore the merits of his predecessor: "We know him as a very well-known authoritative specialist of higher education. A lot has been done here in terms of academic policy and regulatory documents. The current development strategy of the university was written by Serik Maulenovich and we are still working on it. The Higher School of Medicine was opened, teachers were involved, the material base was formed, foreign students from India and Bangladesh came to us, communication with the medical college of Petropavlovsk was established. And this year all this work will bear fruit, we plan to send the first graduate of the medical faculty to the labor market ".

For 4 years of Serik Omirbayev's leadership, our university has become part of the League of Academic Integrity. A lot of attention was paid to updating the structure and educational programs of the university. More than 6 Erasmus projects have been launched. In addition, a project office "Sanaly Urpaq", a coworking, an inclusive education center, a registrar office and more have been opened.

"Emotions just overwhelm me, because 2016-2019 is one of the best periods of my life. The fact that the university is thriving and developing today is, of course, your merit, "Serik Maulenovich addressed the teachers, " And all the successes you spoke about are your achievement. My task, as the first leader, was to guide you correctly, to set a goal. These years of work have been a great experience and lesson for me ".
