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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


7 grants under the scientific internship program

Every year JSC "Center for International Programs" holds a grant competition for scientists to conduct internships abroad in the leading scientific centers of the world. In total, 328 Kazakhstanis became grant holders by the decision of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad this year. We congratulate the representatives of Kozybayev University who are among them!

Four will undergo internships at the University of Arizona (USA): Altyn Shayakhmetova, Ainura Balakhmetova, Fariza Mukanova, Toktar Murat. Alibek Adilbekov and Gulmira Mukhamedzhanova also had the opportunity to improve their qualifications at George Washington University (USA), and Bazhai Khuandag – at Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).

The internship is carried out within the framework of the ongoing scientific research, for a period of 3 to 12 months. The program is implemented on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide annual internships for 500 scientists in the world's leading research centers.
