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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Visit of the delegation of the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry of China

The agrotechnological faculty of Kozybayev University has had a long partnership with the Northwestern University of Agriculture and Forestry of China. With our Chinese colleagues support, we have opened a research laboratory on biotechnology. Potato growing is a promising industry in the North Kazakhstan region. The climate and soil composition are conducive to its active cultivation. Therefore, disease-resistant varieties are obtained in this laboratory.

Jointly created Agrotechnopark is located on the basis of a suburban agrobiostation of the university. Small-sized agricultural machinery has been purchased for practical research, scientists and students of both universities are involved in the work. Professors from China, headed by Dean Shang Weixing, attended the technopark during their visit and got acquainted with the results of scientific research on the cultivation of crops of domestic and foreign selection.

It should be noted that teachers and students of the AF are trained in China every year. Also this year, Chinese undergraduates came to us. Teachers from China come to alma mater with lectures on crop production and animal husbandry. And this is just the beginning of mutually beneficial activities. The plans include the opening of joint master's degree programs.
