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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Kozybayev University staff got acquainted with the President's Message

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev delivered his annual Message to the People of Kazakhstan at a joint session of the Chambers of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Head of State outlined the main vector of the country's development - "The Economic course of a Fair Kazakhstan". He noted that important steps have been taken in the field of human rights protection, large-scale work is being carried out aimed at ensuring the rule of law and justice. The President outlined specific tasks to support the manufacturing and mining industries, the military-industrial complex, agriculture, energy, transport and logistics, finance, IT, and water resources.

The administration and teaching staff of Kozybayev University were enthusiastic about the announced initiatives on digitalization and innovation. "We are facing a strategically important task – to turn Kazakhstan into an IT country. We already have achievements in the field of digitalization – we are among the world leaders in the e-government and fintech development index… I set the task in close coordination with the real sector on the basis of regional universities to build a comprehensive innovation ecosystem in all regional centers," the Message says.

In this direction, our university is working to create conditions for the development of technological entrepreneurship. As reported by Board member Rashit Belgibayev: "We are creating and developing a "University IT Company". The approach to training IT specialists is being reformatted for it. This will give the graduate a real experience of working in projects. The ecosystem of IT solutions for the university is being rebuilt with the use of modern technologies and project management techniques. This will allow us to talk about the open architecture of the university IT infrastructure."

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev also set a strategic goal - to become one of the leading agricultural centers of the Eurasian continent. "Modern agriculture is a high–tech industry. The land and climate are no longer the determining factor for the success of farmers, innovative solutions have come into the foreground. Without modern science, the situation in the industry will not just stagnate, but worsen. Measures should be taken to develop agricultural science, and, most importantly, its practical application in agriculture," the President said.

The agrotechnological faculty of our university has been developing for several years jointly with Chinese colleagues on the breeding of crops resistant to soil and climatic conditions of the North Kazakhstan Region. Research is being carried out on resource-saving technologies and increasing the productivity of grass stands in the forest-steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan, as well as in the field of animal husbandry, grain storage, etc.
