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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Guest lecture for future historians

Kozybayev University was visited by Talant Maukanuly, associate Professor of the Department of Languages and Cultures of the Middle East, director of the Program of Turkic and Central Eurasian Studies at Washington University (USA). He is also an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Linguistics, the Department of Asian Languages and Literature, as well as an employee of the East Asia Center, the Ellison Center and the Middle East Center of the Jackson School. Previously, the professor taught at the Universities of Indiana and Wisconsin-Madison.

Doctor Maukanuly is a researcher of Turkic and socio-cultural linguistics, studies the languages of Central Eurasia and China in their social and cultural context, with special emphasis on the problems of the languages and ethnicity disappearance threat. His research and teaching are interdisciplinary and cover such areas as Turkic linguistics, documentation and description of languages, linguistic anthropology and anthropology of Islam.

Currently, his main scientific work is related to projects on documenting and describing the Dzungarian Tuvan languages. Currently, he is also working on three joint projects on the analysis of Chagatai archival manuscript sources covering the language and society of Kazakhs in the XVIII and early XX centuries.

"I have held such lectures in other cities of Kazakhstan. Now I would like to share information with North Kazakhstan students. The exchange of knowledge is very important to us, since the methodology of teaching in the West and here is different. And to show a more complete historical picture on the topic of my scientific interests, I came here."
