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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Happy Teacher's Day!

Today, Kozybayev University celebrated the teachers' professional holiday, where it was possible to appreciate and emphasize the conscientious work of the teaching staff of our university at the assembly hall of the first building.

Acting Chairman of the Board - Rector Renata Apergenova congratulated with words of gratitude: "We have a common task - to make the university the best regional multidisciplinary university among higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and not only. The profession of a teacher occupies a special and important place in our society. After all, it is the teacher who lays the basic knowledge and educates future builders, doctors, programmers, agronomists and others. I would like to say special words of gratitude to all veterans of the field of education. We wish our teachers unflagging energy and achievement of new goals!".

Teachers of the alma mater were awarded with certificates of honor and gratitude letters from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as the Chairman of the Board- Rector of Kozybayev University for their long-term and impeccable work.

The university's student club and the best dance and music groups of the city presented their creative gifts.

Dear teachers, You give knowledge to students, share your experience, pay attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart away. Thank you for your professionalism, boundless patience and responsibility! We wish you health, good luck and prosperity!
