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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Meeting with representatives of the North Kazakhstan Region's Emergency Department

Kozybayev University was visited by the head of the Emergency Department of the North Kazakhstan region Erik Sarybayev. At the meeting with the university management, they discussed issues of cooperation and further work.

"Today we are seeing a lot of creativity among young people. In this regard, I hope that together with you we will carry out work among students using new methods and approaches. Before that, we had successfully cooperated. Therefore, we are ready to continue this activity at a new level. We can hold scientific conferences, interactive games, flash mobs in our field. As a consequence, creating a culture of safety among young people," Erik Sarybayev said.

Acting Chairman of the Board – Rector Renata Apergenova proposed to develop a course together with the Emergency Department. The alma mater has been training specialists for the civil service for many years. Loads of our graduates have been successfully employed in the Emergency Department of the North Kazakhstan Region. Work will also be continued in this direction.

Later that day, the guests got acquainted with the laboratories and lecture halls of the university's new educational and laboratory complex.
