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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Ready to work in the project

22 employees and teachers of Kozybayev University were trained under the project "Mamandygym – bolashagym". They have received the appropriate certificates. And now, jointly with specialists from key industries, they will be able to start developing a Regional map of personnel needs. This will make it possible to identify promising professions from among the priority sectors of our region, to forecast changes in the labor market of the North Kazakhstan region and, based on this, to update the educational programs of students.

The seminar participants took an intensive course on the foresight research methodology for 5 days. Their work was based on two directions: "collector-analyst" and "moderator".

"We have been working out the research methodology. We attended foresight sessions in various industries: healthcare, agriculture, mechanical engineering and others. We considered the problems in each of them. The certificates obtained increase the chances of participating in the project of developing an Atlas of new professions of the North Kazakhstan Region. After all, in order to train specialists who are in demand in the region's labor market, it is necessary to find out what the needs of employers are, where we should move. We will also be able to propose changes to existing educational programs based on a Regional map of personnel needs," said project participant, Docent of the Department of Energy and Radio Electronics Alexander Demyanenko.
