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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Universities of Kazakhstan have no analogues

Kozybayev University students have a unique opportunity to master advanced additive 3D printing technologies. The university has acquired a modern industrial 3D printer HBD 350. Currently, there are no analogues of this equipment in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. In consequence, the Department of Transport and Mechanical Engineering has become a unique platform in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the transfer of promising laser technologies.

The HBD 350 industrial 3D printer allows to create metal products of high complexity and precision using selective laser melting (SLM) for aviation, space industry, mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry, medicine, metallurgy and other fields.

The Top 3D Shop company was a supply partner of this equipment. Its specialists trained the faculty staff of FEDT for a week on the use of additive installation and software. As a result, Professor Vitaly Savinkin, docent Sergey Kolesnichenko, senior lecturer Maxim Rakhmatullin, docent Sergey Latypov and docent Tatyana Ratushnaya successfully passed the examination and received the appropriate certificates. Now they can certify other specialists themselves, including representatives of the commercial sector.

Future engineers have already got acquainted with the new equipment in the classes. In addition to bachelor students, undergraduates and doctoral students will study in the laboratory. It is also planned to use the HBD 350 3D printer for scientific research.
