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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Admission of the «Foundation» students!

The Foundation Faculty was established in 2016 on the basis of the preparatory department of the university in order to create an educational environment of a new format that meets the time challenges. Every year, students from among the representatives of the foreign Kazakh diaspora, as well as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who prepare for the Unified National Testing for 9 months and have the opportunity to enroll in a university for a grant in the next academic year, are accepted here.

A solemn event for students enrollment was held at Kozybayev University. This year, 52 foreign citizens of Kazakh nationality from Mongolia, China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan were admitted to the Foundation faculty. Of these, 43 are on a state educational order, 9 are on a paid basis.

In addition to the children and teachers, the event was attended by representatives of the Department of Internal Policy of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan region, deputies of the regional maslikhat, representatives of public associations, libraries, the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan", graduates. The Foundation Faculty carries out systematic work on the adaptation of foreign students to a new environment, involving them in intra-university and urban cultural and sports events. Close cooperation is underway with the North Kazakhstan branch of the RPA "World Association of Kazakhs", the NJSC "Otandastar Foundation", the departments of internal policy, culture, migration of the North Kazakhstan region, district administrations, libraries.
