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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Corporate management training

From November 28, the University began training in corporate management and sustainable development in higher education institutions. The training is conducted for heads of structural divisions, members of the Management Board, as well as for the first time for members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors initiated the courses.

The main goal is to improve corporate governance at our university, improve the quality of the work of the Board of Directors, the Management Board, build an internal control and risk management system, and implement a sustainable development system. The training takes place in three stages. At the first meeting, the audience was told about the specifics of corporate governance in non-profit joint-stock companies, the separation of powers between the Management Board and the Board of Directors and ensuring their effective interaction; on the specifics of regulating the work of corporate officials, the responsibility of members of the Board of Directors, the tasks of the corporate secretary to reduce the risk of its occurrence, etc.

At the next stage, much attention will be paid to internal audit and control in the activities of the Board of Directors and the Community's development strategy, development plan, and budget. The final stage will be devoted to ESG factors and principles of sustainable development, international standards in the field of sustainable development, highlighting the experience of implementing ESG in Kazakhstan's realities.
