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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Students against drugs

Specialists of the University's Psychological Service organized a theatrical action for students of 1-4 courses aimed to tackle drug addiction. As part of it, the audience was told about the dangers of drug exposure and the consequences of substance abuse. The actors of the Pilgrim Theater showed the theatrical miniature "Blood Clouds".

Deputy Head of the North Kazakhstan Region Police Department Mukhametkaliev A.M. presented the current criminal situation of drug distribution in the city and region, provided information on criminal liability for drug crimes, recommended preventive work in this area. Representatives of the Drug Crime Enforcement Administration of the PD of North Kazakhstan Region also took part in the event: R.A. Umbetov, Z.S. Popova; E.A. Sharabar, a narcologist at the Mental Health Center of NKR, and N.V. Nikitina, a psychologist at the City Polyclinic No. 2. In total, more than 300 university students were involved in the action.
