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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Project presentation on the processing of hides into a high-protein animal feed supplement

The joint project of Kozybayev University and SK Protein LLP "Commercialization of technology for the utilization and processing of cattle and horse hides into a high-protein animal feed supplement" was recognized as the winner of the competition for grant funding by JSC Science Foundation. The presentation of the project took place at the university with the participation of representatives of relevant ministries, Akimat of North Kazakhstan region, agricultural producers, scientists and foreign guests. The project implementation period is 2023-2025. The total funding is 350 million tenge. The author is Akan Zhunusov, Senior lecturer at the Department of Food safety of the AF, candidate of agricultural sciences.

According to him, the project is designed to solve one of the significant problems of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan: "There is a protein deficiency in the country. Furthermore, in the Kazakhstan's meat production the cattle and horse hides remain unclaimed. For the first time in the country, a unique process has been developed for the disposal of hides with their processing into an animal feed supplement with 82% protein content. As the tests showed, broiler chickens that received protein feed meal significantly outweighed the rest from the control group by 20-22% in terms of body mass," the scientist notes.

"SK Protein LLP buys cattle skins in the slaughterhouses of the North Kazakhstan region, that have certificates from veterinary inspections. After that, the process of drying and cleaning, crushing to the size of cereal grains, is sent for re-drying and knocking out the residual hair. Then it undergoes heat treatment - this action destroys all known harmful bacteria and pathogens. No additives are required during production. The resulting product was studied by JSC "Almaty Technological University". The animal feed supplement does not contain GMOs, it is environmentally friendly," said Vitaly Furs, Acting Executive Director of SK Protein LLP. After event at the university, the participants got acquainted with the production for processing hides into a protein animal feed supplement on the basis of the Beskol poultry farm.
