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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


With gratitude in our hearts

On the first spring holiday, Thanksgiving Day, an event called "Құрт" took place at the university. In the foyer of each building, students, teachers, and staff were greeted with delicious national dairy products and expressions of gratitude. The treat was organized by the "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" department, which purchased 20 kg of certified products.

"The choice of 'Құрт' for this event is not accidental," said Lyudmila Grivennaya, head of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan department. "During the harsh years of repression and deportation to Kazakhstan, this product saved people's lives. There is a legend based on historical events that prisoners in the ALZHIR camp, while in captivity, observed Kazakh children throwing white stones at them. At first, the unfortunate women did not understand the meaning and considered it an offensive act. Later, it turned out that the Kazakhs were throwing 'Құрт,' trying to help and feed those held in the camp. They found the only way to help the prisoners that did not attract the attention of the guards. The women realized that the local population sympathized with them and tried to support them. And they kept their gratitude in their hearts."

This story is an indication that even in the terrible conditions of the camp, ordinary people did not remain indifferent to the suffering of others. And 'Құрт' became a symbol of the Kazakh people's compassion, hospitality, generosity, and kindness. Students participating in the event had the opportunity to learn about these facts. All the information was displayed on special banner tablets.
