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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Spring Celebration of Love and Warmth...

Today, the main hall of the university was filled with beauty as an event dedicated to International Women's Day took place. The celebratory program included musical events, award ceremonies, applause, smiles, and a sea of flowers, creating a festive atmosphere. Interactive musical events and heartfelt performances by university artists brought joy and positive emotions to all the wonderful women present.

The Acting Chairman of the Board – Rector Renata Apergenova congratulated the female staff on International Women's Day, wishing them prosperity and success. On this day, honorary certificates from the Governor of North Kazakhstan Region were awarded to Zhanar Talaspaeva and Elena Il. Letters of appreciation from the Governor were presented to Yulia Byzova and Asem Temirkhanova. Additionally, 30 representatives of the female staff and employees of the university received certificates and letters of appreciation from the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Kozybayev University. Among them were not only teachers but also dormitory supervisors, librarians, security guards, nurses, accountants, department employees, deans, and many others who contribute significantly to the university's development through their diligent work.

Anna Kornilova, Alma Murzalinova, Natalya Sheveleva, Dinara Darbaeva, and Irina Shmigirilova were awarded letters of appreciation from the Chairman of the National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu." We congratulate all the women in our community as well as our female students on International Women's Day! May each day bring you new opportunities for growth and self-improvement, filling your life with bright and unforgettable moments!
