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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Accreditation of Technical Educational Programs

On March 22nd, the ASIIN Commission (the International Accreditation Agency for Educational Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics) made a decision to accredit six technical programs of Kozybayev University until September 30, 2029. These are undergraduate and graduate programs: «Information Systems», «Electric Power Engineering», «Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications».

The programs were evaluated in May 2022 and received recommendations that needed to be implemented within two years. The university team's work on their development and improvement was recognized as successful, and the programs were accredited for the maximum period.

Let us recall that ASIIN is a member of major global quality assurance associations. Today, over 300 universities from 65 countries have accredited their educational programs with it.
