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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


The Best in Preparing National Dishes

The «Nauryz - Dostyk Merekesi» competition among students of Kozybayev University and cadets of the Academy of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NG RK) was held at the university.

The participants were divided into five teams (6 people each): 3 from the university and 2 representatives of the NG RK Academy.  Prior to the competition, a preliminary draw determined the nationality each group would represent. Participants were required to present the culture, customs, costumes, and most importantly, national dishes of their assigned nationality. The teams set up colorful tables with delicious delicacies from Kazakh, Armenian, Uzbek, Chinese, and Russian cuisines. All culinary delights were prepared in advance by the participants at the university's food technology laboratory. The competition involved students from the «Food Security» department of the Agricultural Technology Faculty (future food technologists) and the Logistics Department of the National Guard Academy.  These are the students who will need knowledge in the field of public catering norms and cooking skills in their future professions.

A competent jury, consisting of faculty and staff from both higher educational institutions, evaluated the appearance, taste, and originality of the presentation of the food, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, and the use of national decor elements. In addition to individual dishes, each team had to prepare the Eastern sweet «chak-chak», integrating it into the menu of the presented national cuisine.

Besides a presentation and demonstration of dishes, participants prepared a musical homework assignment.  Here too, their creative abilities were demonstrated: they sang, danced, and showed traditional rituals.

The best in this competition were the students of the alma mater, group TTP-21, representing Chinese culture! They received the grand prize and 20,000 tenge. The first place went to the students in group TTP-23-k. The «silver"»was won by the team from the NG RK Academy, and the "bronze" by group TTP-21-k. All prize-winners and winners were awarded diplomas.
