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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


With gratitude for support of team’s psychological health

The psychological service of the University is actively working to create conditions for maintaining the psychological health of students, the teaching and university staff, and providing them with psychological support.

Representatives of partner organizations, specialists in the field of psychology and defectology, the media, university staff and teaching staff, as well as students provide assistance in this important activity. All of them were awarded letters of appreciation from the Acting Chairman of the Board – Rector for fruitful cooperation and significant contribution to the work on maintaining the psychological and physical health of the Kozybayev University staff.

Among the awardees is the troupe of the national student theater "Pilgrim", headed by director Elizaveta Gulyaeva. In their performances, young actors raise highly social, psychological topics, which are relevant to modern youth. Letters of appreciation were also given to active members of the university's Psychological Club, which unites students interested in the topic of psychology who want to receive support and improve their communication skills.
