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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Youth and Science – 2024

About 70 scientific articles were sent to the international scientifically-practical conference "Youth and Science - 2024: the engine of the present and the key to a successful future", which was held at Kozybayev University. It was attended by students and undergraduates of universities of Kazakhstan and Neighboring countries, as well as cadets of the Academy of the National Guard of the RK. The event is timed to coincide with the Day of Science Workers, which is celebrated in our country on April 12. The speakers' area of interest is extensive: humanitarian, technical, agricultural, physical sciences, as well as burning issues of pedagogical education and others.

As the director of the Department of Science Nazim Nikiforov noted, this conference promotes the participation of young people in research in priority areas of the country's development, popularization of science, and the search for business partners. The geography of participants, both remotely and offline, is extensive: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia. After the plenary session, the work continued in 6 sections. As a result, a collection of scientific materials of the conference will be published.
