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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


94 kg of baked goods for volunteers, military personnel, and rescuers

Kozybayev University continues to provide assistance in the fight against floods and their consequences. Thus, teachers, staff, and students are involved in unloading trucks with humanitarian aid for the affected. Hundreds of kilograms of goods with water, food, clothing, and other essentials were delivered by our volunteers over these days.

The female staff of the department of food safety at the Faculty of Agriculture, under the guidance of its head Irina Aubakirova, from April 9 to 15, engaged in baking for volunteers and military personnel involved in flood relief efforts. Around 40 employees and support staff were involved in this effort. They produced 80 kg of baursaks, over 9 kg of samosas, and 5 kg of pies.

It is worth reminding that there is a collection point for flood victims' aid at office 101 in building № 4.
